The Vietnam War
Road to war Vietnam had been a French Colony Vietnam wanted independence from France after World War II
What should the U.S. do??? Help the Vietnamese become independent? Help the French keep Vietnam so that they will remain non-communist?
French lost to Vietnamese in 1954 Geneva Accords = 1). Vietnam divided in half at the 17 th Parallel 2). Vietnam would have elections in 1956 to elect a new government
Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh = Leader of the Vietnamese Communist He was very popular among the people We knew he would win the election, so the U.S. did not allow the elections to take place
Uh oh! We would not let Vietnam become communist because we believed in the Domino Theory
Who did the U.S. support? Ngo Dinh Diem = Leader of South Vietnam He was a corrupt leader who treated his people badly Vietcong (South Vietnamese Communist) rose in numbers
Ngo Dinh Diem He was a Catholic who restricted the rights of Buddhist in Vietnam In protest, monks began to burn themselves in the streets
Burning monks looked bad, so Diem was assassinated by his own people JFK approved of the assassination, two weeks later he was assassination in Dallas Vietnam conflict now fell to President Lyndon B. Johnson
War becomes bigger U.S.S. Maddox was fired upon by the North Vietnamese = Gulf of Tonkin Incident LJB – “America must protects its troops” August 1964
LBJ and Vietnam LBJ went to congress and asked for help Tonkin Gulf Resolution = Congress gave the President unlimited power to protect troops in Vietnam Problem = Congress put no limits on the President
Military Leader General William Westmoreland led American troops during Vietnam
LBJ and Vietnam “Operation Rolling Thunder” = Our bombing campaign against North Vietnam Did it work???
Vietnam War U.S. beliefs = Vietcong would be easy to defeat We had much better technology We could win the “Hearts and Minds” of the Vietnamese
Vietnam War Reality = Vietcong was well trained, hard fighters, and were hard to find U.S. faced a “Guerrilla” war Vietcong had dug a vast network of underground tunnels to attack our troops
Vietnam War How do we measure success? = By the number of Communist killed Robert McNamara = U.S. Secretary of Defense, always encouraged LBJ to send more troops to Vietnam (Escalate the war)
New tools of war Napalm = Fire bombs Agent Orange = Chemical we used to kill jungle plants It causes cancer and birth deformities
Vietnam War The war kept going and going Americans kept being told the war was almost over and that the U.S. was winning
Tet Offensive January 30, 1968 – Vietcong unleashed a massive attack throughout South Vietnam
Credibility Gap What Americans were being told by the Government about Vietnam, was not what was really going on We could no longer fully trust the government about Vietnam