Reading Tuesday 12th November 2013
Reading Book Bands and Levels Colour Book Pink Wc/Wb Red Wa Yellow 1c Blue 1b Green Orange 1a Turquoise 1a with elements of 2c Purple 2c Gold 2b White 2a with elements of 3 Lime 3
Reading Checklist – Target cards
Key words – green words Green Words Red Words Words that can be sounded out e.g. cat fish chick fantastic Sound buttons represent each pure sound e.g. c a t f i sh ch i ck f a n t a s t i c Red Words These words can not be sounded out e.g. said was come The tricky part in these words are called grotty graphemes e.g s d ai
Strategies children use – word recognition: decoding Children read fluently and automatically by using phonic (sound) knowledge and the skills of blending as their main approach for working out unfamiliar words They also build up a store of words that are instantly recognised and understood on sight (High Frequency Words HFWs) They segment words into their separate phonemes (sounds) and understand that spelling is the reverse of blending phonemes into words for reading.
Strategies children use – Understanding and interpreting texts Retrieve and describe information, events or ideas deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas use sentences, context, word structures to develop their understanding of word meanings identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts explain and comment on writers' use of language, including vocabulary and grammatical features
Strategies to use – Engaging and responding to texts read independently for purpose, pleasure and learning respond imaginatively, using different strategies to engage with texts talk about the writers’ views and opinions
Questions to ask when reading Use the ‘wh’ questions Who? What? Where? Why? When? Who is the main character in the story? What happens to the rain when it falls to the ground? Where does the water in the cloud come from? Why did the writer use a bold word for ‘No!’? When did Rapunzel let down her hair? Tell me about Kipper… How do you think the story will end? The good character in this story is… Can you find information about snow from our text about the weather?
Encouraging Reading at home bedtime stories audio books comic books, magazines, newspapers magnetic letters to make / read words simple notes, cards, letters, labels visiting the library / bookshops word bingo games cooking using a recipe, shopping using a list menus - if ordering a meal