SimileSimile = an imaginative comparison of 2 unlike objects belonging to 2 different classes Similes help readers to make connections and visualize
Connective words:
TRITE TRITE simile As busy as a bee as sly as a fox as dark as midnight as light as a feather as happy as a clam as free as a bird as cool as a cucumber to eat like a pig to smoke like a chimney
Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky, Like a patient etherized upon a table; (The Love Song of J. Alfred (The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot) Prufrock, T.S. Eliot)
Structure of SIMILE TenorTenor Vehicle Vehicle Foundation Foundation explicitimplicit
“Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare.” (Byron)
as powerful as electric batteriesas goodas sunlight as badas poison. One of the new things people began to find out in the last century was that thoughts – just mere thoughts – are as powerful as electric batteries – as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. (The Secret Garden, Francis Hogdson Burnett)
Their love was as spontaneous as a supernova, and as endless as the universe
Emily Barton was very pink, very Dresden-china- shepherdess like.Emily Barton was very pink, very Dresden-china- shepherdess like. Emily Barton was very pink, and looked like a Dresden-china- shepherdess.Emily Barton was very pink, and looked like a Dresden-china- shepherdess.
as if a rotten apple. Andrew’s face looked as if it were made of a rotten apple.
Hidden Hidden similes He reminded James, as he said afterwards, of a hungry cat. (Galsworthy) His eyes resemble sapphires.
Sometimes similes are submerged, used without using comparative words "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate." William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate." William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18 "I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park!" Mater, Cars"I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park!" Mater, Cars
Особый вид иронии – иронические сравнения. Я.Г.Биренбаум отмечал: «Сравнения с иронией не усиливают качество, а наоборот, указывают на полнейшее отсутствие его и наличие противоположного (обычно отрицательного) качества» Ваня, мы с тобой в Париже / Нужны, как в бане пассатижи... / А в общем, Ваня, мы с тобой в Париже / Нужны, как в русской бане лыжи... / И все же, Ваня, мы друзьям в Париже / Нужны с тобой, как зайцу грыжа (Письмо Ване Бортникову из Парижа).Ваня, мы с тобой в Париже / Нужны, как в бане пассатижи... / А в общем, Ваня, мы с тобой в Париже / Нужны, как в русской бане лыжи... / И все же, Ваня, мы друзьям в Париже / Нужны с тобой, как зайцу грыжа (Письмо Ване Бортникову из Парижа).
Он у нас осьмое чудо – /У него завидный нрав. / Неподкупен – как Иуда, / Храбр и честен – как Фальстаф. / (Н.Некрасов, «На Ф.В.Булгарина»)
It's as clear as mud (trite simile) = ничего не понятно. She's as gentle as a pack of wolves. He's as cuddly as a cactus.
«Calm Like a Bomb»
Functions Functions of simile SIMILE: makes the meaning clearer helps to visualize, makes descriptions vivid helps to reveal the author’s feelings (delight, disgust etc.)
Books lay on the desk like a huge mountain. A huge mountain of books lay on the desk.
Exercises as blind as _____ as brave as _____ as happy as ______ as strong as ______ as quiet as ______ as pretty as ______ as old as _____
Exercise Entering her classroom is like entering the Twilight Zone. She resembles me when I was 5. Joe is a man of integrity: His word is as ironclad as steel. He reminds me of my mission. Everyday. The apartment looked like there had been a raid.
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