2 PX ‘material’ shaft LHCb workshop Visitor area Control room SG8 Gas building Meeting room and offices Storage Access to UX
3 PX ‘material’ shaft LHCb workshop Visitor area (15% of the CERN visitors in 2011) Access control Control room
4 Visitor area welcomed 15% of the visitors at CERN in 2011 The visitor area is shared with access/transport/recreational area. Major developments foreseen by the end of The full VELO spare detector will be displayed. It will be the only place were Visitors will see a full LHC detector. Special display zone will be prepared by LHCb. 3D movie cinema room will be installed. The room will isolated from the noisy environment. Short term LS1: The visitor flow is likely to be limited by the lack of space available Long term >LS1: Control room will be freed (new building) to enlarge the visitor area
6Courtesy of D.LACARRERE
7 4 offices 1 meeting room (20-25p) From 2015, 5 offices will be made available in the new CR building
8 Bldg 156 was used for LHCb detectors assembly Now it is used For Support to LHCb operation (spare storage and repair lab) for R&D LHCb Upgrade Storage of delicate equipment's. upgrade activities LHCb needs to free space in bldg 156 for upgrade activities (R&D and detector assembly).
9 New Lab for upgrade SiPM & Optical test bench Assembly of tracker prototype For LHCb upgrade PH-Safety LHCb detector spares and repair labs Storage LHCb, Aegis, NA62
10 Storage (Long term) LHCb urgently needs decent storage space, preferably at P8 To protect tools and equipment which are currently degrading outside To fulfill pending requests, LS1 and long term needs To free space in 156 for LHCb upgrade activities (R&D and assembly). Estimate: 400 m 2, heated, cherry picker access, and crane. Office (LS1) LHCb needs office space at P8, to host LHCb staff, users, and support group At least 5 offices (10p) from 11/2012 to 08/2014