“At their own pace: Student voice and choice” Video (2 minutes, 18 seconds)
In 1892 Time was the constant and Learning was the variable In 2013 Time is the variable and Learning is the constant How does that change the culture of school? Learning is not a competitive event. Learning is a right of passage.
p.13 Issues (CW, Policy makers)
5 INDUSTRIAL AGE Paradigm of “SCHOOL” INFORMATION AGE Paradigm of “LEARNING SYSTEMS” Specific Students can learn Specific Subjects in Specific Classrooms on a Specific Schedule in a Specific Way from a Specific Teacher Anyone can learn Anything from Anywhere at Anytime in Anyway from World Wide Experts HERE’S THE DIFFERENCE!
What is the purpose of Public Education? CCR for C Learning how to Learn I I I I I Guiding Principles Reflective, Collaborative, Innovative, Self-Directed, Problem Solver, Communicator, Responsible Citizen I I I I Maine Learning Results ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Visual & Performing arts, World Languages, Health and Physical Education, Career & Ed Development
CBP Videos Coming soon: Troy Howard Middle School & Commissioner Bowen
Management Plan / DOE Workshops Aug 27, Sept 5, Sept 18, Oct 22, 31 Core Questions: When we say “ State Standard, ” what do we mean? All, Some, Groups? State role? When we say “ Proficiency, ” what do we mean? What is the state ’ s role here? When we say “ Demonstrate, ” what do we mean? Does it meet Proficiency? What role? Guiding Principles all the above?
Technical Assistance Team Don Siviski, DOE Superintendent of Instruction Diana Doiron, DOE Standards Specialist Gary Chapin, DOE/ Center for Best Practice Research Writer Mark Kostin, Great Schools Partnership Associate Director Angela Hardy, Great Schools Partnership Senior Associate January 2013
TAP Team Expectations ▾ DOE position and definition; glossary ▾ DOE working groups ▾ Web sites: CBP (maine.gov/doe/cbp) ▾ Stakeholders and practitioners group ▾ Statute review and Timeline (3 years) ▾ March 1 st, June 24, July 1 st Sept 1 st and beyond ▾ Alignment with ESEA, CCSS and SBAC implementation schedule
Considerations Can the current system meet these expectations fairly and equitably? How will we transition to a new system of accountability and assessment that will be useful rather than punitive? Is there a hierarchy of standards or are they all of equal value? What statutes need to be addressed to assist SAU ’ s with the transition?
Who else is on this journey? Achieve and states Deeper Learning Network and 14 states Innovative Lab CCSSO and 9 10 states NESSC and 5 states, 42 NE colleges Growing collaboration ME, NH, VT, IA, OR Strong interest from philanthropy foundations
GettingtoProficiency.org Helping Maine Graduate Every Student Prepared 102nd Superintendent/DOE Conference June 24, 2013
Taxonomy The taxonomy guides us to the correct level of rigor, so our teachers across classrooms and across buildings will be teaching the same target to the same level of rigor.
How is the taxonomy used? As a teacher, I can design an assessment and rubric for that learning target using the verbiage in that “Knowledge Utilization” section. I can also custom design it for each student according to their strengths, as long as it is in the “Knowledge Utilization” section.
“Once Conversation at a Time: Getting the Message Out” Video (2 minutes, 15 seconds) –