Practicum I Seminar #1 Monday, September 15, :00 AM Classroom South 608
Announcements/Reminders Study Abroad Fair – September 30 Practicum I – Seminar #2 - October 6 CLSO 608 (4 hours on time sheet for P1; 8 for ST) PEIS – October 31 – Practicum I TC’s only (4 hours on time sheet) If graduating in Spring 2015, apply for graduation NOW (well, after the seminar). Check syllabus for additional dates/deadlines.
Agenda Introduction to edTPA Working with video Using an assignment template in LT Study Abroad opportunities for Spring 2015 Questions Meet with university supervisors
edTPA Facts You Should Know Developed at Stanford University It is a nationally available performance assessment of readiness to teach for novices. Designed with a focus on student learning and principles from research and theory. It is an assessment designed to engage candidates in demonstrating their understanding of teaching and student learning in authentic ways. Designed to evaluate pre-service teachers’ readiness to effectively teach their subject matter in diverse classrooms,
Taking the Assessment Will become consequential (required for certification) Fall 2015 Official scoring by Education Services (Pearson); local evaluation by your university supervisor State is currently developing policies for cut scores and retakes; cut scores likely to be Cost per submission - $ portfolios will be randomly selected from MSE student teachers in spring 2015 and paid with vouchers provided by the state.
The edTPA In spring 2015, all teacher candidates will follow all guidelines for completing the edTPA portfolio as if submitting to Pearson for official scoring. Teacher candidates who complete student teaching in spring 2015 do not actually have to submit to Pearson unless selected (random selection). Related assignments (such as the video analysis) to help prepare TC’s for the edTPA are embedded in methods courses and in Practicum I.
Three Tasks for the edTPA 1 Planning for Instruction and Assessment 2 Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning 3 Assessing Student Learning
Handbooks and Templates MSE will use 9 handbooks English as an Additional Language Secondary English Language Arts Secondary Mathematics Secondary Science Secondary History/Social Studies Middle Level English Language Arts Middle Level Mathematics Middle Level Science Middle Level History/Social Studies Handbooks and templates for each content area are available in the Resources document.Resources
Task 1 - Planning for Instruction A.Context for Learning Word template in Resources document B. Lesson Plans Use lesson plan template in Resources document (be familiar with the Lesson Plan Rubric before submitting) C. Instructional Materials Must follow format instructions in Evidence Chart (back of handbook) D. Assessments See handbook and Evidence Chart E. Planning Commentary Word template in Resources document Must follow format instructions in Evidence Chart
Task 2 - Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning A.1-2 video clips Must follow formatting instructions in Evidence Chart Can be trimmed to meet time requirements, but cannot be edited B.Instruction Commentary Word template in Resources document Must follow format instructions in Evidence Chart
Task 2 - Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Each edTPA assessment requires interns to submit video clips of their teaching. Video analysis assignment in P1 is designed to help TC’s prepare for this piece of the edTPA. Exact requirements vary across handbooks (1 or 2 clips, totaling minutes). Check the Evidence Chart in your edTPA handbook for specific requirements. Video clips must adhere exactly to the requirements. Video clip attachments cannot exceed 500mb. Video files should compressed before attaching. Supervisors are not expected to help interns with video compression. Technical support is available in the Learning Technologies Division. Supervisors will be expected to help interns look for segments that will showcase their teaching in ways that best meet the requirements for Task 2. (See Guidelines for Appropriate Support in Resources document). Teacher candidates must obtain appropriate permissions from the school and from parents prior to video recording.
Task 3 - Assessing Student Learning A.Student work samples Must follow format instructions in Evidence Chart B.Evidence of Feedback C.Assessment Commentary Word template in Resources document Must follow format instructions in Evidence Chart D.Evaluation Criteria
Task 3 - Assessing Student Learning The teacher... gathers evidence to make sense of what students have learned; provides meaningful feedback to students; uses evidence of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction; identifies evidence and explains students’ use of language that demonstrates the development of content understanding.
Working with Videos Mr. Tim Merritt Learning Technologies Division COE second floor
Using a Template to Submit an Assignment Not knowing how to use LiveText is NOT a valid excuse for turning assignments in late. Review the slides in the PowerPoint on the Overview page of your EDCI course. Do NOT spend hours of frustration before asking for help. If you continue to have problems, contact Dr. Ariail:
Study Abroad Opportunity Study Abroad Fair – September 30 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Student Center Ballroom, Student Center 44 Courtland Street Southeast Atlanta, GA Contact: Study Abroad Programs Office (404)
Student Teaching Abroad 2015 Three possibilities for study abroad during MSE student teaching in spring 2015 Denmark (Sullivan) Johannesburg, South Africa (Chahine) Montpellier, France (Ariail) Details included on interest form handout Complete the interest form if you are genuinely interested; turn it in on your way out of the seminar this morning.
Interested? Please complete the interest form if you are genuinely interested and turn it in on your way out of the seminar this morning.
Meet with University Supervisors Dr. Mary Ariail Dr. Marie Borim Ms. Phyllis Candra Dr. Jim Chisholm Dr. Jayoung Choi Mr. Richard Cooper Ms. Wanda Dukes Ms. Jeanine Holihan Dr. Kimothy Jarrett Mr. Frank Lock Ms. Daisy McClarty Dr. Ewa McGrail Dr. Debra Moore Dr. Priscilla Noble Dr. Shirley Randolph Ms. Annette Riley Ms. Aubrey Southall Ms. Adrienne Stuckey Dr. Gladys Yarbrough