GED HISET TASC Preparing for All HSE Assessments
VOCABULARY Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary Words to Learn By ---- APP Prefix – Root Word – Suffix Manditory BASICS Vocabulary List ACHIEVE Vocabulary List 5-7 Words at a time
Reading and Writing Practice finding the Evidence Based Passages Know your Mechanics and Capitalization rules Use critical thinking techniques when teaching 30% is Literature and 70% Informational – Focus Make you Constructed Responses Clear, Clean and Concise Practice timed tests Can your students do the skills on a computerized test in a timely manner?
MATH Start talking about equations in your ABE classes Simplify equations Functions Strong foundation in Fraction, Decimals and Per cents before Starting HSE classes Learn how to read Word Problems and the system Be a critical thinker – Give WDOK 3 questions Practice timing your students with work problems Practice computerized format for the Math Can they use the calculator effectively?
Social Studies Begin prior knowledge early….. Know Civics and Government Be able to evaluate maps and graphs This is not a Reading Comprehension exam Must know the history of America and the World Be aware of how Economics works – Use videos for clear explanations Intro to Economics: Crash Course Econ #1 - YouTube Intro to Economics: Crash Course Econ #1 - YouTube
Science Have Prior knowledge on the 3 area of Science Know how the body works….. Understand the elements table and Physical Science What is ecology and how does it effect the world? Use your Exercise books and Pre/post tests to continually evaluate the understanding of the students knowledge Practice with Online programs that simulate the assessment
Overall Use color to categorize ideas and skills Use graphs to summarize new information Have the students teach what they learn Create acronyms to remember steps to solving problems Practice online testing to ensure comfort when testing Have students work together to help with retention and enjoyment