Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Agriculture Sector Training Package Practical Gardening Part 2 Vegetative Propagation
Is the controlled increase and dissemination of a plant Produces a genetic duplicate of the original parent plant. There are specific procedures for each type of plant.
Vegetative Propagation Four common methods of propagation: Dividing tubers and rhizomes Dividing offsets Splitting bulbs Cuttings
Vegetative Propagation 1.Select the plumpest rhizomes. 2.Break the rhizome apart at its natural divisions. 3.Bury the propagule twice as deep as it is wide. 4.The propagule will begin to form roots and eventually leaves will break the soil surface.
Dividing Plants With Offsets YouTube: How to Propagate Lemon Grass 1.Allow lemon grass clump to fully establish. 2.Gently dig up lemon grass clump. 3.Shake roots free of soil and identify offsets. 4.Use a sharp knife to separate the propagules. 5.Cut away the top growth. 6.Place the propagule in the soil so that the soil surface is just at the root collar. 7.Gently cover roots with soil and pat down.
Propagation of Plants With Bulbs YouTube: How to Grow Garlic at Home YouTube: How to Regrow Green Onions
Propagation by Cuttings YouTube: Propagating Mint
Vegetative Propagation Planting Sweet Potato Cuttings Watch PCV Nathan Danielson demonstrate how to plant sweet potato cuttings.
Propagation by Cuttings 1.Locate a piece of plastic foam sheeting. 2.Use a nail to poke holes 5 cm apart. 3.Prepare mint cuttings as if propagating in soil and place them in the holes. 4.Place the plastic foam sheet in water so that it can float freely. Within one week the cuttings will begin to form roots. 5.Once the roots have fully formed, remove the cuttings from the plastic foam and plant them in soil.