Strategies for multiplying and dividing by 3 and 6 Unit of Study: Multiplication / Division Facts and Strategies Global Concept Guide: 1 of 4
Content Development Approximately 2 days should be spent on students understanding strategies for multiplying and dividing by 3 and 6. Students should have multiple opportunities to directly model problem situations using a variety of strategies and/or manipulatives. For multiplying by 3, help students make the connection that they can double one factor and then add one more group. Example: 3 X 4 2 x 4 = 8 and then add one more group of 4 = 12
Day 1 The focus of Day 1 is multiplying and dividing by 3’s using a variety of manipulatives. Example: Samantha was planting broccoli. She planted 3 rows with 6 broccoli plants in each row. How many broccoli plants did she plant? Example: Samantha has 18 broccoli plants. She plants them in 3 rows. How many broccoli plants are in each row? Students should build arrays and record their models and equations in their journals. (Tip: Have students build on top of journal so they can carry up to front of room to share with class). This is only one of many strategies that students should be using.
Day 2 The focus of Day 2 is to multiply and divide by 6. Example: Every hexagon has 6 sides. How many sides do 3 hexagons have? Example: There are 18 total sides on 3 shapes. If each shape has the same number of sides, how many sides does one shape have?
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention For Reteach students, take them back to concrete representation. With manipulatives ask students to make 3 groups of 6. Students should see that multiplying by 3 is doubling and adding one more group.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention For Reteach students use The Wheel Shop ActivityThe Wheel Shop For Enrich students try this performance task.performance task