Beyond the Checklist How NOT to pass your PTS, BFR or type check
The preflight inspection
Walk-up Inspection
Start your engine(s) !!
Clear !!! …
You are cleared to taxi…
“Clearance” means IFR, right?
Plenty of room, right, boss?
Hello? I’d like to close a flight plan – um, before it starts…
Yup, sure saved taxi time…
What describes the intersection of … A flight instructor (male) His student (female) His wife (jealous) His chainsaw
The real story is even worse.
Good news! Your bags have already arrived – somewhere.
Air work done? RTB… Aviate Navigate Communicate
Pilotage The art of seeming to know where you are while also seeming to know how to get to where you are going to arrive – eventually…
Thought that runway looked a little bit too wide…
The finale? Finally, on final!
Just a bit outside…
Aids to navigation GPS Charts Road Maps VOR DME ADF NOTAMS PIREPS ATC AF/D
When did they string these wires, anyway?
The arrival
…full and complete stop…
A Few Simple Rules of Flying Shiny side stays up Rubber side stays down Roll gently to a full stop at your destination Return all parts in working order, still connected BE SAFE !!!!!!!