Grade 8 Social Studies Informative Essay Geography of Ancient China Summative Task
Essential Questions for this Essay These are the 3 things you will write about 1) Why did most people in ancient China settle in the north China plain? 2) Why was China isolated from the rest of the world during ancient times? 3) How and why did different cultures develop in ancient China? (impact of geography on society). ***Remember that the era/context is ancient China
Learning Goals to be assessed Learning Goals to be assessed LG-1 Know the major geographic and demographic features in the different regions of China LG 2 Understand how geography and climate shape the culture and development of societies
Learning Goals to be assessed 2 Writing Goals Communication Goal 1.Can locate, evaluate, organize and process information to develop and communicate ideas. Research Goal 1.Can clearly communicate and support ideas with well chosen evidence in written, oral, visual and digital products, using MLA Guidelines.
Resources? You must have a minimum of 4 different sources. Resources: Use facts from the relief map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf. AND another credible source of your choice. Not wiki’s
Informative Essay? What is an informative essay? An informative essay is a form of writing that teaches/informs/instructs the reader about a topic. It should inform the reader of something new about a topic. It’s about information i.e.., facts, supporting details, evidence Best to use Third-Person Point-of-View (POV) Write in the past tense because we’re writing what already happened. Avoid personal pronouns i.e., “I”, “me” & “I think” & “In my opinion.”
What will you write about? Your essay will cover three major items related to geography: 1.Settlement 2.Isolation 3.Cultural Development
Settlement 1.Settlement in the North China Plain ? Focus on why people settled in this region. Give 2 Reasons Describe and give 2 examples: use facts from the map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice.
Isolation 2. China’s isolation from the rest of the world during ancient times. 2 examples Describe and give 2 examples: use facts about geography, not political reasons. Use facts from the map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice. NOTE*** There were no airplanes, cars etc. focus on how the geography affected isolation – not always a human choice in ancient times.
Cultural Development 3. Cultural development in China? 2 examples. impact of geography on the people, their culture Describe and give 2 examples : use facts from the relief map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice.
How? Format? Use the 5-paragraph essay structure. Paragraph 1– Introduction/Theses/Hook Paragraph 2 – Body: facts/supporting details Paragraph 3 – Body: facts/supporting details Paragraph 4 – Body: facts/supporting details Paragraph 5 – Conclusion/Provocative question
Paragraph 1– Introduction A brief introduction identifying and describing the varied geography and climate of China And, briefly explaining how geography affected ancient society and use China as an example. Set the stage. Give the reader a heads up about what to expect. Include a hook (A hook is a sentence or phrase in the introduction that "hooks" or draws the reader in. Basically, it makes them want to keep reading) State thesis (what you’re going to do in the essay/same as your main idea).
Paragraph 2 – Settlement Settlement in the North China Plain? use 2 facts about the geography of that region Resources: Use 2 facts from the relief map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice.
Paragraph 3 – Isolation China’s isolation from the rest of the world during ancient times Describe and give 2 examples. use geographic facts about isolation, not political reasons In ancient times isolation was rarely a choice but the result of geography. Resources: Use 2 facts from the relief map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice.
Paragraph 4 Cultural Development Cultural development in China? Describe and give 2 specific examples. Compare and contrast the 2 examples i.e., similar and different use 2 facts about geography and culture impact of geography on people, their culture i.e., people in the mountains live very differently than people on the coast. Resources: Use 2 facts from the relief map, critical thinking questions and activities you did from the Intro to China pdf and another source of your choice.
Paragraph 5 – Conclusion Ties together : your intro/thesis main ideas Does not introduce a new topic Is not just a re-statement of the ideas. Can end with a question or a statement of some kind. Should leave your reader with something to think about.
References Page? Yes, you will need one! You must have a minimum of 4 different sources listed in your bibliography. You already have the relief map, Zoller’s video and the two textbook pdf’s as a sources – your own notes do not need to be cited. You will need one additional source of your own Wikipedia is not a credible source for social studies class and not for essay writing.
Classroom Resources List: The textbooks, relief map & Zoller’s video info is below but you will need to put in into correct MLA format for your essay references list. Pdf’s: 1.History Alive – The Ancient World. Student Edition. Wendy Frey. Teachers Curriculum Institute. Palo Alto, California, USA The Rise of Chinese Civilization. Chapter 12. Grade 8 Social Studies classroom resource pdf. AISG Relief Map History Alive – The Ancient World. Student Handbook. Relief map kit. Wendy Frey. Teachers Curriculum Institute. Palo Alto, California, USA Video: Mr. Zoller’s Podcast on Geography of China
How do I format my essay? Use MLA format. MLA means: M odern L anguage A ssociation. It’s basically the way you will format and style your essay. See course Moodle for Writing Links for specifics and links to MLA site & for a MLA sample essay. MLA Web link here too :
Need help with writing an essay? Check out the many VERY useful links/guides/graphic organizers etc. on the Moodle. Note the web based graphic organizer there. As well, look at the Library Moodle Page for help.
Assessment? Yes, it’s summative See rubric on the Moodle Due Dates: Submit Printed copy
Advice Write smart: 1.Get someone to proof read before you hand it in. 2.Use spell check. 3.Check the rubric and assignment guidelines. 4.Check MLA format and style guide. 5.Name, class/block, teacher name, Date: top left hand corner 6.Each paragraph should be between 8 to 10 sentences. The intro and the conclusion may be between 4 to 6. 7.Print your essay double sided. No cover page. 12 Point font. No bold. No underlining. No fancy odd fonts. Number the pages