BTEC Professional Certificate Rehabilitation Work with Deaf People
City Lit WELCOME Congratulations – you made it! PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER NEXT TO YOUR NAME
Day 1 Induction
City Lit FIRE DRILL Go out of this room and turn left for the stairs. Assemble on the corner of Kean Street (opposite City Lit) Come and find me - I will hold up the sign with room number Please don’t disappear off – I need to tick you off on the register or someone will come looking for you in the building
City Lit Housekeeping Toilets – Ladies: G, 1, 3, 4, 6 Café - ground floor; drinks machines most floors; water each floor Take care of your valuables Break for approx 20 mins each morning and afternoon Break for an hour at lunch Finish by 5 pm
City Lit Communication in this class To support people with a hearing loss we will follow these guidelines: Please indicate before you speak so that everyone can look at you first. Please only speak one at a time. If it’s a quick one sentence comment/question – I can repeat, but otherwise please wait for the radio aid mic to be passed to you before you speak. Please keep background noise to a minimum when possible I will use the Powerpoint and board a lot to write up information. Everyone will have access to the notetaker’s notes electronically – more about this later.
City Lit Introductions 1.Introduce yourself to the group– name, where you work, your job role 2.Speak to the person next to you. Find 1 thing you have in common with them– apart from your job and doing this course!
City Lit This morning: How the course works: 1. Course handbook 2. Assignments and portfolios 3. Placements 4. Using Moodle 5. Questions
City Lit Course handbook Information about the whole course : Contact details - Lorraine’s mob: Dates of lecture blocks Submitting assignments and portfolios Sample paper work Unit content p units - learning outcomes and assessment criteria Look in the handbook first if you have a query
City Lit Assignments and portfolios 1.Assignment Portfolio - 6 assignments to go in this Deadlines How to submit the assignments – upload (plus separate front sheet) Getting your feedback Resubmitting assignments 2. Evidence Portfolio - see brief Witness statements Reflective learning journals Personal development plan (Unit 7 audiology team placement) Placement report (Unit 8 sensory team placement) How to submit the Evidence Portfolio
City Lit Placements Start getting the wheels in motion for both now…. Unit 7 Audiology placement - aim for any time between now and early April 2015 Unit 8 - aim for some time between April and Sept 2015 – though sooner is fine - aim is to see different assessment procedures/approaches, so can’t be done in our own team. Best to choose an organisation that would be different to yours. Best to avoid teams of others on the course unless cannot be avoided.
City Lit Moodle Register on Moodle as soon as possible – use help sheet and student number given out today. 1.Forums - News (info from Lorraine) - General discussion (your forum) 2.Uploading assignments 3.Blocks structure on course site 4.Forms templates and other information 5.E –resources (Books - look at copies this week – some available to borrow) 6.Who to contact if you have problems
City Lit Any questions?