European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information Integration challenges as seen by the r/e infrastructures Mikael Linden ELIXIR AAI task co-chair
2 medicine agriculture bioindustries environment ELIXIR connects national bioinformatics centres and EMBL-EBI into a sustainable European infrastructure for biological research data ELIXIR underpins life science research – across academia and industry
ELIXIR AAI and some use cases
ELIXIR AAI design 4 ELIXIR AAI External authentication (e-infrastructures) Relying services eduGAIN IdPsCommon IdPs ELIXIR Proxy IdP ELIXIR Directory Bona fide management Dataset authorisation management (REMS) Group/role mgmt (PERUN) Credential translation EGAeLearning CloudIntranet wiki Data archive …… Attribute self-management Step-up AuthN
Simple services: Intranet and mailing lists 5 ELIXIR AAI External authentication (e-infrastructures) Relying services eduGAIN IdPs Bona fide management Dataset authorisation management Credential translation EGAeLearning Cloud wiki…… Attribute self-management Step-up AuthN ELIXIR Proxy IdP Intranet (Drupal) Google Current operational integration to ELIXIR AAI. Group management (Perun) ELIXIR Directory Mailing lists (Mailman) Authentication Group memberships
Secure Compute Clouds Supporting sample logistics Federated Authentication Authorization Dataset registry Data transfer hub Policy and Legal Framework Services and Coordinati on High speed encrypted data transfer GridFTP/Globus/A spera Secure data access remote API ( GA4GH ) Sequencing centers Data Users EGA at Data Archiving Bringing users to data Data Generation Managing Access Data Owner Data Access Agreement Data Access Committee Data Request Authorization Management Tools ( EGA and CSC REMS ) 6
Sensitive human data 7 ELIXIR AAI External authentication (e-infrastructures) Relying services Bona fide management Attribute self-management Group management (Perun) ELIXIR Proxy IdP Google Architecture being developed in EXCELERATE WP9. ELIXIR Directory EGA Dataset authorisation management (REMS) Local EGA Step-up AuthN Credential translation Cloud VM Cloud VM eduGAIN IdPs Dataset transfer Dataset access Dataset permissions
Beacon – restricted access Bona fide researchers Beacon network Beacon bona fide researcher How many samples you have with A in position in chromosome 2? I have 123 I have 234 I have 345 ELIXIR AAI proxy IdP Log-in attributes ELIXIR AAI would keep record on bona fide researchers ELIXIR AAI would use OAuth2/OpenID Connect to deliver the bona fide attribute to the Beacon network & beacons Each beacon would enforce access control
Findings on research infrastructure AAI
The stack Network (GEANT) Federations (eduGAIN) Google, ORCID… e-infrastructure AAIs (EGI AAI, GEANT VOPaaS, EUDAT B2ACCESS) ELIXIR (ELIXIR AAI) Human data community Rare disease community Marine community Plant communityetc
Network (GEANT) Federations (eduGAIN) Google, ORCID… e-infrastructure AAIs (EGI AAI, GEANT VOPaaS, EUDAT B2ACCESS) ELIXIR (ELIXIR AAI) Human data community Rare disease community Marine community Plant communityetc My role in ELIXIR AAI My role is to understand the user community needs Translate them to what the technical infrastructure can offer
Network (GEANT) Federations (eduGAIN) Google, ORCID… e-infrastructure AAIs (EGI AAI, GEANT VOPaaS, EUDAT B2ACCESS) ELIXIR (ELIXIR AAI) Human data community Rare disease community Marine community Plant communityetc Question to AARC Which ELIXIR needs are specific to ELIXIR? and must be solved by ELIXIR Which needs are similar with other RIs? and can be solved by e-infrastructures
How many AAIs Research infrastructures need? What are the common functionalities? Trust? Control/ownership? Balance? Few generic AAIs Numerous RI specific AAIs One AAI for all RIs? One per ESFRI cluster? (5) One per RI? (50)
Life science approach: AARC/CORBEL workshop on BMS AAI CORBEL project – ESFRI BMS cluster RIs ELIXIR – life science data BBMRI – biobanks EATRIS – translational medicine ECRIN – clinical research EMBRC – marine biology EU-OPENSCREEN – chemical biology Euro-BioImaging INFRAFRONTIER – mouses INSTRUCT – structural biology ISBE – systems biology MIRRI - microbial AARC/CORBEL workshop on BMS AAI in Paris 30 May – 1 June Proposed AARC2 pilot on common BMS AAI Gather use cases Draw the requirements and design Have a pilot
ELIXIR’s approach: ELIXIR AAI strategy (draft) 1.ELIXIR Hub responsible for ELIXIR AAI To quarantee sustainability 2.Running AAI is not ELIXIR’s core competence Instead, source it from e-infrastructures 3.Aim at a common AAI for life science researchers c.f. CORBEL/AARC BMS AAI workshop 4.ELIXIR AAI policies For end users For Relying Parties For AAI operators
Wishlist for e-infrastructures Attribute relase! If not fixed, research infrastructures will go away Level of Assurance LoA 3-4 is expensive It makes no sense to solve the issue for each RI independently Global coverage Research is global