Getting the most out of the Internet: Part 2 PubMed, NHS Choices NHS Evidence Evaluation of Websites Keeping up to date
The US National Library of Medicine (NLM) is the world's largest medical library. Since 1879, the NLM has been indexing the biomedical literature so that healthcare professionals can access the required information. What was once a printed index (Index Medicus) became an online biomedical information retrieval system known as MEDLINE. Since 1996, MEDLINE has been freely available via PubMed.
NHS Choices key features Authoritative resource for consumer health information Health AtoZ (search by name, body part, subject, NHS Guide) Live well – topics on healthy living Carers direct – specialised forum for carers Health News – subscribe for free
NHS Evidence Launched April 2009 has a fast, free and easy to use search support boolean, phrase searching, truncation & spell check ranks results from credible medical sources according to relevance and quality allows users – through My Evidence - to personalise a search and register to receive the latest health information awards an Accreditation Mark to organisations who meet high quality standards in developing health information Content includes:evidence, guidance and Government policy
Evaluation of websites Internet Detective University of California Berkeley Library ternet/Evaluate.html
Keeping up to date Google Reader/Firefox Scanner Search alerts in Google Save searches in MyNCBI
Some useful online tutorials Pubmed tutorials available from ml ml
In Summary 1.Features of some free web resources 2.Evaluation of websites 3.Keep up to date with Google Reader, Google Alerts & MyNCBI