Building a bibliography Mura Ghosh Senate House Library
What to include Tools for literature searching Search strategies Top tips
What to include Books and articles Grey literature – conference proceedings, papers, reports, pamphlets Dissertations Non-print materials – archival, music, visual records, films Open access – articles, pdf, websites, digital + Any works consulted even if not cited! - Dictionaries and encyclopaedias unless…
Work-in-progress initial literature survey -> review & identify gaps -> in-depth literature reviews -> bibliography iterative / comprehensive / systematic Organise by: source – filmography, archival, visual records/material artifacts topic – social theory, psychoanalysis, literary criticism theme chronological, location of material
Tools for literature searching Scan bibliographies of books and articles / cited reference searching Library catalogues & databases Online / open access / digital repositories Supervisor / research networks
Citation searching – Web of science Eg. Hirsch, M. “Mothers and daughters.” Signs 7:1, 1981, pp Complementary to other methods of subject searching, and can sometimes give better results Best to use a high quality reference and highly pertinent to your research topic NOT the same as searching for articles by an author Cited often not necessarily a measure of the quality of the cited reference!
Literature search – library catalogues SHL & SAS libraries – books and journals Other libraries – books and journals / sometimes articles & book chapters Copac – books and journals WorldCat – everything
“Mothers and daughters” Conceptual mapping – concepts, keywords, thesauri, subject headings Keywords – root, singular/plural, alternative spellings/uses in other languages, synonyms, exclusions, broader/narrower/related terms wildcard – mother* truncation – m?m BT/NT/RT – parenthood, femininity, fathers, maternal Mind map?
Literature search – databases Book chapters, journal articles, grey literature, dissertations Multi-database search – EBSCOhost? Individual database search – MLA; ProQuest dissertations / Ethos; PAO/JSTOR; newspapers etc. Subject specific or interdisciplinary; access points; thesaurus; in- depth; keep track/alerts Journal abbreviations, journal catalogues
eresources/ eresources/
Literature search – Academic Search Complete Boolean – AND / OR / NOT Limiters – by date, geographical scope, peer reviewed, language Keyword vs subject searching Full text Search history / alerts Export etc Online tutorials, eg
Literature search – online Open access & digital repositories SAS-Space OpenDOAR ROAR OAIster Google scholar?
Top tips Conceptual mapping Keep a record of your searches/ strategies/ reasons for inclusion Annotate, annotate, annotate! Be consistent with the style chosen (MHRA?) Be meticulous about noting references Bibliographic software – EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero