Problems 7/27/02
3, p5 Student Course Student-Course Stu-ID Course-ID Grade
4, p5 Course CourseID InstrID Instructor InstrID Teaches
5, p5 (Weak Entity) Course CourseID Name HoursCredit Section CourseID SectionID Time Days Term IsOneOf MIS = CourseID-SectionID MIS Weak Entity: Has the key of another entity as part of its key. Cannot exist in life without the other one. 0 MIS5113 MIS
P6, #7 SalesOffice, Employee, Property, Owner SalesOffice Employee ID Name SOID (FK) MGR? Works In Property PropertyID (PK) SOID (FK) Listed by Owner OwnerID Property-Owner OwnerID (FK) (PK) PropertyID (FK) (PK) Assumes Property ID is unique across all offices.
P6, #7 SalesOffice, Employee, Property, Owner SalesOffice MGRID(FK) Employee ID Name SOID (FK) Works In Managed by
Narrative List a property Assign to a sales office Record ownership information Record property data Record listing agent Hire an employee Record employee data Assign to an office Indicate manager Create sales office Assign manager Record data
P6, #7 Level 0 DFD List a property Listing Agent Property & Ownership Info Property Data Office Office Info Hire an Employee Create Sales Office Office Info Owner Owner Data Property-Owner Ownership Data Management New Office Data
P6, #7 Level 0 DFD List a property Listing Agent Property & Ownership Info Property Data Office Office Info Create Sales Office Office Info Owner Owner Data Property-Owner Ownership Data Management New Office Data Employee Table ManagerID EmployeeData
Narrative List a property Assign to a sales office Record ownership information Record property data Record listing agent Hire an employee Record employee data Assign to an office Indicate manager Create sales office Record data
Metadata Flows Analysis: names of attributes or elements Design: names + design parameters