ListBox and ComboBox Controls 7.5 – Book One on the computers
ListBox and ComboBox? What are they used for? Used in applications to present list of choices! What advantage does a pre-made list have to the user? Why might it be important to the application?
It allows the user to click on an item instead of having to type it out. Pre-made lists also ensure that data is entered uniformly (no misspellings, a limited number of possible responses, etc.). The application can process the information more easily.
Differences between ListBox and ComboBox! ControlAppearance of ListSelection From List ListBoxList always shows,Click item in list scrollbar added if list is longer than control’s size. ComboBox (Style = 0)Drop-down list.Click item in list or type item directly in ComboBox’s text box. ComboBox (Style = 1)List always shows, Click item in list or type scroll bar added if listsitem directly in Combo’s is longer than control’s text box. size. ComboBoxDrop-down list.Click item in list. (Style = 2)
Properties to access Listbox and Combobox? Property that allows you to enter a list of data is called a List. Hint: When entering your list in the list property press CTRL + ENTER after each item that you enter.
Try-It Create a form with a ListBox control and a ComboBox control. In each of them, enter a list of all the students in your class. Which control do you think works better for keeping this list?