Mercer Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority Registered in England No Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU Lancashire County Pension Fund 2007 Actuarial Valuation 7 November 2007 Chris Hull FIA Pension Fund Committee Appendix ‘A’ 23 November 2007
1 Mercer Valuation Financial Drivers Real Yields and Inflation applying at each 31 March Long-dated index-linked gilt yield Implied inflation
2 Mercer Approximate Progression of funding level (31 March 2004 to 31 March 2007) Like for Like Assumptions 80% 82% 88% 90%
3 Mercer Growth in life expectancy since 1841 ‘Calendar year’ life expectancy at age 65
4 Mercer 2007 Valuation results (2004) Including LGPS 2008, 50% commutation, LG aggregate mortality £m Assets3,688.8(2,449.2) Liabilities - Actives2,081.3(1,421.1) - Deferred pensioners476.3(269.2) - Pensioners (incl deps)1,842.8(1,387.2) Total4,400.4(3,077.5) Deficit711.6(628.3) Funding level83.8%(79.6%)
5 Mercer 2004 to 2007 Analysis of Change Analysis£m Deficit as at 31 March Investment Gain/(Loss) versus valuation assumptions Change in gilt yields Change in demographic assumptions (including mortality and commutation) Other factors e.g. membership movements 38.9 Deficit as at 31 March
6 Mercer 2007 Valuation results (2004) Including LGPS 2008, 50% commutation, LG aggregate mortality Funding level83.8%(79.6%) Future service rate (ees average conts 6.5%) 13.3%(10.0%) Deficit recovery rate (over 22 years) 4.5%(5.0%) Average target employer rate17.8%(15.0%)
7 Mercer Increased Recognition of Expected Investment Returns Allow for actual investment strategy Central return expectations Investment return “offset” to deficit contributions Greater reliance on investment outturn Increased risk of future increase in contributions Assumes investment strategy returns over full duration of recovery period Option only for High Covenant bodies
8 Mercer Criteria for applying investment return offset Strong covenant employer Administering Authority determines sufficient covenant to support the anticipation of investment returns, based on the current investment strategy, over the duration of the recovery period. Only applicable as part of deficit recovery plan No investment return adjustment for bodies with a funding surplus. Minimum contribution requirements Adjusted required contributions subject to minimum of both the current contributions from 2004 valuation, and the future service cont rate. Long term time horizon Not generally applicable for closed bodies, or with otherwise limited duration.
9 Mercer Additional Investment Return Offset Illustration for whole fund results Overall AoA for Recovery Plan (relative to liability gilt yields) 2.5% pa2.75% pa3.0% pa Future service rate 13.3% Deficit recovery rate (22 years) 4.5% Average target employer rate 17.8% Illustrative additional IR offset -0.8%-2.1%-3.4% Adjusted required rate 17.0% (min 15.0%) 15.7% (min 15.0%) 14.4% (min 15.0%)