The Adjustable Table Challenge # 2 Laila E., Angeli A., Mitzi C California
Describe the problem you want to solve. **This step is required. In elementary school all the kids are different heights and the tables never change and the problem with that is some kids might find it hard to reach the tables so the solution to that is we could have adjustable tables to fit their height.
Make a list of possible ways to solve this problem. (Sometimes we also add a question like - How have people tried to solve this problem in the past? Think of how you can improve on other solutions.) **This step is required. We could use a remote control to get the right height of the table by pushing numbers on the remote. The problem with that is the remote control could get lost somewhere and the table might get stuck high or low. There could be a lever on the table to pull to get the right height on the table. The problem with that is the little kid could mess around with the lever since it is on the desk right next to them. There could be a voice activated speaker on the wall and you could say one, two, three or four to make it go up or down. The problem with that is people might say something and the table might think to change when it is not supposed to.
Describe It The adjustable table is a table for any size kid or adult to use. You can just use the slider on the table to change the height of the table so it is just the right height for you. The slider (A) is at the end corner of the table with a button for low (B), for medium (C), and for high (D). The motors (E) are on each leg so the whole table will move at the same time.
Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. **This step is required.
Model It
Give your invention a name and explain why people should buy it. **This step is required. People come in many different sizes and in elementary school students are tall and short. The tables are all the same height so the short kids have to reach up to get to the table and the tall kids have to scrunch down. Don’t you wish you had a table that could fit all the students comfortably? But now you can with the adjustable table. It has a slider that you push forward and backwards to get just the right height for you or your student.