Welcome to Fifth Grade! Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. – William Yeats
Mrs. Mann Husband – Greg 2 sons – Jake (17)& Luke (14) 8th year teaching in Zionsville – 11th overall Hobbies: reading, exercising, boating, watching my boys play sports, going to Purdue football and basketball games, and coffee with friends Masters Degree in Reading
Daily Schedule 1 st period 7:40-8:28 2 nd period 8:33-9:18 3 rd period 9:23-10:08 4 th period 10:13-11:00 Lunch/Recess 11:00-11:40 SSR 11:45-12:02 5 th period 12:07-12:57 6 th period 1:02-1:47 7 th period 1:52-2:40
Homework Policy An assignment is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of the period on the next day. If it is not turned in at the beginning of the period, then he/she has until 2:40 of the due date to turn it in without any grade penalization. If the assignment is not turned in by 2:40, there will be a letter grade drop each day it’s late. Assignments that are never handed in (NHI) will receive a 0%. Assignments in Power School that do not have a grade don’t necessarily mean the assignment is not turned in. Do not pay attention to assignment grades in Learn, refer to Power School for all grades!
Grading Scale A A 90-91A B B 80-81B C C 70-71C D D 60-61D- 59 and below F The Humanities grade is one grade. All assignments are weighted depending if it is a homework assignment, project, quiz, or test.
Curriculum Spelling -Tests will be given every week. (except for short weeks) Words will be given out on Monday. Students can take their tests any day Tuesday-Friday. Spelling words are located on Spelling City. Spelling words for the first 6 weeks are the States and Capitals. Reading – We will use novels and a reading textbook to teach literature skills. Students are required to read 40 books from a variety of genres throughout the year. English – We will spend time working on the parts of speech, grammar, writing content, structure, and organization. We will use writer’s notebooks and google docs for writing. Social Studies – U.S. History is our focus. The students have already started with memorizing their first set of states and capitals. Students are required to locate the state and know the capital.
Positive Reinforcement Students will be given a notice for good behavior or good work. This notice will be placed in a container and a drawing will be held at the end of the month for prizes.
Snack Time The students are welcome to bring a healthy snack to school to eat during the day. They may also bring water to drink. We ask that you do not send in un-popped popcorn. Snack Ideas Cheese and Crackers Granola Bar Breakfast Bar Bagel Veggies Fruit
Consequences 1 st Infraction – Verbal Warning 2 nd Infraction – The recess will be taken away or working lunch in classroom. Child will fill out behavior sheet to be sent home and signed by parent. 3 rd Infraction – Call to parents 4 th Infraction – See assistant principal or go to room 401 to be supervised by a guidance assistant
LEARN All enrolled courses are shown Announcements- classroom activities or reminders Calendar- all homework assignments are posted here – given a stu-mail account. All communication with students will be done through the stu-mail account. They will also use the stu-mail account for google docs. 10
“With Great Power…” Students are responsible for care of the laptop. Please make sure computer is charged and ready for school everyday. Students are responsible for what they have on the laptop. Students are responsible for what they say and do on the laptop. Students have the capability of doing great things this year when using this tool properly and respectfully. Students should to take their responsibilities and your learning seriously. If your child has Windows 8, please make sure he/she is familiar with how to use it. A taskbar is a useful tool to download. 11
Remind 101 Would you like to get reminder texts? Sign up for Remind 101 ! Refer to info paper for sign up directions.
Communication is Key We will hold parent conferences on an as needed basis. Unlike elementary school, there is not a specific time for conferences. Lets keep the communication going and schedule a conference if needed. If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home.