Good Morning First Grade! Today is Thursday, September 3, 2009.
In reading today, we will… talk about ways people can travel. popcornreview our popcorn words. popcornlearn some new popcorn words. make sentences with rhyming words. /i/make words with the /i/ sound. FLUENTLYread FLUENTLY, like good readers do. take a spelling test. Content objective: to listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communications. Language objective: Respond appropriately to most social interactions, including introducing self, asking about another person, and answering questions about personal information, using key words, phrases, and some simple sentences.
Today in writing, we will… fix a sentence. write sentences about ourselves. Content objective: to select a focus when writing and to use sensory details in writing. Language objective: Communicate ideas by drawing, telling, or writing for a purpose.
Today in math, we will… talk about how to make addition sentences using objects. 4+1=5 Content objective:. write addition sentences to solve stories about joining. Language objective: Comprehend (point, label, name) with the aid of picture cues some simple content-area words (e.g., sphere, cube, perimeter, body parts, mountain). (s) (m) (ss) (1R 1-3: PO7)
Today in social studies, we will… Content objective: talk about the different ways that families celebrate. Language objective: Comprehend (point, label, name) with the aid of picture cues many simple content-area grade-level words and a few, more complex words talk about the different ways that our families celebrate special days.
Your homework today will be… to practice your spelling words for next week’s spelling test. to read for 15 minutes with someone bigger than you. finish math pages.
Our spelling words for this week are… inin pinpin pigpig bigbig digdig diddid hadhad satsat nono tootoo
Today Ms. Beltran’s class will go to… lunch at 10:55. library at 12:55.
Today Ms. Leu’s class will go to… lunch at 10:55. music at 12:55.
Today Mrs. Campbell’s class will go to… lunch at 10:55. art at 12:55.
Today is special because…. it is the last day of school for this week. We will have Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday off! That’s FOUR days off!
Let’s learn a lot!