COMMUNICATION THEORY Chapter 1 or What is a theory?
DEFINITION l Communication Theory: An umbrella term for all careful, systematic and self-conscious discussion and analysis of communication phenomena. Ernest Bormann -- theorist at the University of Minnesota
What is a Theory l Hunches – a set of them l Informed Hunches – educated guesses l Systematic – integrated system of concepts. Links between.
What is a Theory l A Net l A Lenses l A Map
What is Communciation? l Messages l Creation of Messages l Interpretation of Messages l A Relational Process l Messages that Elicit a Response
Ways of Knowing l All theory encompasses careful, systematic, and self-conscious analyses of communication phenomena. l Type 1 -- behavioral science approach (conducting experiment) -- Behavioral Scientists. l Type 2 -- humanities approach (interpreting through texts) -- Interpretive Perspective/Empirical
Key Terms l Theory l A set of systematic, informed hunches about the way things work. l Communication l The relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response.
Key Terms l Communication l The relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a
Key Terms l Text l A record of a message that can be analyzed by others; for example a book, film, photograph, or any transcript or recording of a speech or broadcast.
Objectivity l What is objectivity? l Can objectivity be achieved? l How?
Interpretive Study l What shapes your understanding of meaning?
Ways of Knowing l 1. Scientists assume that truth is singular. l Is a theory truth? l If no -- What is it?
Ways of Knowing l 2. Humanists also seek truth, but they are more tentative about the possibility of revealing objective reality. l How does this make you feel?
Determinism vs. Free Will l Determinists argue that heredity and environment determine behavior. l Free will proponents maintain that human behavior is voluntary.
Objectivity vs. Emancipation l A. Social scientists value objectivity; personal values should not distort human reality. l B. Humanists and other interpretivist seek to expand the range of free choice: they bring values to bear upon texts.
What is the Purpose of Theory? l Scientist: Universal Laws l Humanists: Unique rules l Scientist: Test Theories l Humanists: Explore web of meaning equaling human existence
What is the Purpose of Theory? l Scientist: Prediction/Control l Humanists: Interpretation and understanding
Research Methods l Scientists: Experiments l Scientists: Surveys l Humanists: Qualitative Textual Analysis l Humanists: Ethnography