(1) School Budgets (2) Creating a Vision for St.Patricks PS (3) Improvements to the Building Environment. (4) Class organistion for Sept 2016.
North Down Primary Principals' Group School budgets are ‘already stretched to breaking point by successive cuts in recent years.’ ‘This will have a direct and significant effect on the quality of education currently offered to pupils.’
Impact – School based provision All children will be affected in every school regardless of sector or location. Schools will be forced to reduce provision in areas such as Special & Additional needs. Resources will be reduced to the bare minimum Additional contributions may be needed to support the schools’ provision of a broad and balanced curriculum curriculum e.g. music tuition, swimming lessons, North Down Primary Principals' Group
Impact – School Improvement Plans The School Development Plan will be curtailed in its implementation due to a very limited budget to release staff for development and strategic planning. Opportunities for Staff Training will be reduced to essential levels e.g. ICT developments will be delayed. North Down Primary Principals' Group
Summary The Minister of Education advised that “the budget for education is challenging.” Members of North Down Principals Group believe that it is damaging. Educational leaders, the teaching workforce and support staff are already under severe pressure to provide quality education in an ever more complex and challenging society. We need more resources and support, not a devastating reduction. North Down Primary Principals' Group
Creating a Vision for St.Patricks PS "Key to providing sustained improvement in our school (1) to create an ethos of shared education – a Partnership of Teachers- Pupils & Parents.(CCP) (2) by the end of P7 our pupils are creative, critical thinkers, with a good mix of social / communication skills. (3) a highly skilled school team who meet the needs of ALL the children (HQTL)
Creating a Vision for St.Patricks Creating a vision is based upon the DENi document “ Every school a good school” (ESAGS) If you don't know where you are going, you probably aren't going to get there.” North Down Primary Principals' Group
Managing Changes in the Built Environment The school faces a number of challenges in the months ahead. (1) St.Patricks is capped as an 11 or 12 class school. (2) We don’t have classrooms ! School Improvements : DENI have approved Minor Works Application for a New classroom Library/Classroom Extension to Primary 2 classrooms. This is at tender, plans are drawn up, expectation is that work will begin in July /August, running through to January ‘17.
Impact Up to 4 classes will be without proper class accommodation for a significant period of time P.2 classes will be affected for a shorter period of time (Oct. ) Another class will also be affected. It is anticipated that we will minimise the disruption to the older classes from P.5 + We are currently considering a number of options including the staff room, dinner hall and assembly hall as alternatives. The contract does not allow for temporary accommodation. The new classroom & library will be added onto Mrs Roddy’s room/ morning entrance area. This will impact on the play facilities available, site safety considerations and the after school activities that will be available. Short term PAIN !!!
Class Re organisation- Sept 2016 Our pupil numbers have increased by 15% in last 3 years. Our numbers are continuing to rise, since Easter we have had 10 enquiries, 6 immediate starts and 4 coming in September. I have been working since January, with Mr Sherlock in planning for Sept The Governors have approved the following operational arrangements It is a necessity to have two composite classes. Arrangements for classes & teachers are not finalised as the SEELB have to sign off the 3 year Financial plan.
Planning ahead :- Options available to the school (1) P4- P6 classes will be organised on an equal distribution pattern of all ability classes. (2) The SLT can manage the classes so that the composite classes have children that a re of a similar age and cognitive abilities. (3)Access to a broader and balanced curriculum would be beneficial to some pupils (4) Provide a challenging learning environment for others. Points to consider One has to balance up the needs of all the children. Provide stability for the teachers and staff
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting It was very informative, an excellent opportunity for me to speak with parents in a forum about the future development of the school. If you have any questions please speak directly with Mr O’Neill or ring to make an appointment. C O’Neill