Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session, September 6th -10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia in compliance with EU and JAA requirements” Training Course Flight Examiner September 6th – 10th 2004, Tallinn September 27th – October 1st 2004, Tallinn
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to the material used Single-pilot aeroplanes: Single-pilot aeroplanes: Aeroplanes certified for operation by one pilot. Multi-pilot aeroplanes: Multi-pilot aeroplanes: Aeroplanes certified for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots. Touring Motor Glider: Touring Motor Glider: A motor glider, having a certificate of airworthiness issued and accepted by a JAA Member State, having an integrally mounted, non-retractable engine and a non-retractable propeller, plus all other elements listed in the classification of aeroplanes.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to the material used Aircraft: Aircraft: Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air on the earth’s surface. Type of aircraft: Type of aircraft: All aircraft of the same basic design, including all modifications, except those modifications which result in a change of handling, flight characteristics or flight crew complement. Category of aircraft: Category of aircraft: Categorisation of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, e.g. aeroplane, helicopter, glider, free balloon.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to licences Rating: Rating: An entry in a licence stating special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to that licence. Private Pilot: Private Pilot: A pilot who holds a licence which prohibits the piloting of aircraft in operations for which remuneration is given. Commercial Pilot: Commercial Pilot: A pilot who holds a licence which permits the piloting of aircraft in operations for which remuneration is given.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to validity Renewal (of a rating or an approval): Renewal (of a rating or an approval): The administrative action, taken after a rating or approval has lapsed, that renews the privileges of the rating or approval for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements. Revalidation (of a rating or approval): Revalidation (of a rating or approval): The administrative action, taken within the period of validity of a rating or approval, that allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or approval for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements. Conversion (of a licence): Conversion (of a licence): The issue of a JAR-FCL licence on the basis of a licence issued by a non- JAA State.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to time Flight time: Flight time: The total time from the moment an aircraft first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight. Dual instruction time: Dual instruction time: Flight time or instrument ground time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a properly authorised instructor. Solo flight time: Solo flight time: Flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of an aircraft.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to time Instrument time: Instrument time: Instrument flight time and instrument ground time. Instrument flight time: Instrument flight time: Time during which a pilot is controlling an aircraft in flight solely by reference to instruments. Instrument ground time: Instrument ground time: Time during which a pilot is receiving instruction in simulated instrument flight in synthetic training devices.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to time Student Pilot-in-command (SPIC): Student Pilot-in-command (SPIC): Flight time during which the flight instructor will only observe the student acting as pilot-in-command and shall not influence or control the flight of the aircraft.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Definitions with regard to checking Skill tests: Skill tests: Skill tests are demonstrations of skill for licence or rating issue, including such oral examination as the examiner may require. Proficiency checks: Proficiency checks: Demonstrations of skill to revalidate or renew ratings, and including such oral examination as the examiner may require.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related definitions Miscellaneous definitions Night: Night: The period between the end of evening twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority. Multi-crew co-operation: Multi-crew co-operation: The functioning of a flight crew as a team of co-operating members led by the pilot-in-command.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations General abbreviations JAAJoint Aviation Authorities JAAJoint Aviation Authorities JARJoint Aviation Requirements JARJoint Aviation Requirements FCLFlight Crew Licensing FCLFlight Crew Licensing (A)Aeroplane (A)Aeroplane (L)Landplane (L)Landplane (S)Seaplane (S)Seaplane (H)Helicopter (H)Helicopter PICPilot-in-command PICPilot-in-command
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviations related to Licences PPL (A)Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) PPL (A)Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) CPL (A)Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) CPL (A)Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) ATPL(A)Air Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) ATPL(A)Air Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviations related to Class and Type ratings SEP (L)Single-Engine Piston (Landplane) SEP (L)Single-Engine Piston (Landplane) SEP (S)Single-Engine Piston (Seaplane) SEP (S)Single-Engine Piston (Seaplane) TMGTouring Motor Glider TMGTouring Motor Glider SET (L)Single-Engine Turbo-prop (Landplane) SET (L)Single-Engine Turbo-prop (Landplane) SET (S)Single-Engine Turbo-prop (Seaplane) SET (S)Single-Engine Turbo-prop (Seaplane) MEP (L)Multi-Engine Piston (Landplane) MEP (L)Multi-Engine Piston (Landplane) MEP (S)Multi-Engine Piston (Seaplane) MEP (S)Multi-Engine Piston (Seaplane) SESingle-Engine SESingle-Engine MEMulti-Engine MEMulti-Engine
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviations related to Instructor ratings FI Flight Instructor FI Flight Instructor CRIClass Rating Instructor CRIClass Rating Instructor TRIType Rating Instructor TRIType Rating Instructor IRIInstrument Rating Instructor IRIInstrument Rating Instructor SFISynthetic Flight Instructor SFISynthetic Flight Instructor
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviations related to Examinor ratings FE Flight Examinor FE Flight Examinor FIEFlight Instructor Examinor FIEFlight Instructor Examinor CREClass Rating Examinor CREClass Rating Examinor TREType Rating Examinor TREType Rating Examinor IREInstrument Rating Examinor IREInstrument Rating Examinor SFESynthetic Flight Examinor SFESynthetic Flight Examinor
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviation related to Training Organisations and training devices RFRegistered Facility RFRegistered Facility FTOFlight Training Organisation FTOFlight Training Organisation TRTOType Rating Training Organisation TRTOType Rating Training Organisation FNPTFlight and Navigation Procedures Trainer FNPTFlight and Navigation Procedures Trainer FSFlight Simulator FSFlight Simulator FTDFlight Training Device FTDFlight Training Device STDSynthetic Training Device STDSynthetic Training Device
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Miscellaneous abbreviations IFRInstrument Flight Rules IFRInstrument Flight Rules VFRVisual Flight Rules VFRVisual Flight Rules IRInstrument Rating IRInstrument Rating SPASingle Pilot Aircraft SPASingle Pilot Aircraft MPAMulti Pilot Aircraft MPAMulti Pilot Aircraft PICPilot-in-command PICPilot-in-command SPICStudent Pilot-in-command SPICStudent Pilot-in-command
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium JAR-FCL related abbreviations Abbreviations related to medical issues: AMSAeromedical Section AMSAeromedical Section AMCAeromedical Centre AMCAeromedical Centre AMEAeromedical Examiner AMEAeromedical Examiner
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Licence and rating requirements to act as flight crew member A person shall not act as a flight crew member of a civil aeroplane registered in a JAA State unless that person : holds a valid licence and rating complying with the requirements of the JAR-FCL and appropriate to the duties being performed (JAR-FCL 1.010); or holds a valid licence and rating complying with the requirements of the JAR-FCL and appropriate to the duties being performed (JAR-FCL 1.010); or is authorised by a certified flight instructor during training (JAR-FCL 1.085); or is authorised by a certified flight instructor during training (JAR-FCL 1.085); or is in the possession of a special authorisation as foreseen in the JAR- FCL for non-revenue special purpose flights such as test flights (JAR- FCL 1.230) is in the possession of a special authorisation as foreseen in the JAR- FCL for non-revenue special purpose flights such as test flights (JAR- FCL 1.230)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Licence and rating issuance requirements The licence shall be issued by: a JAA Member State, or a JAA Member State, or another ICAO Contracting Stated and rendered valid in accordance with the JAR-FCL another ICAO Contracting Stated and rendered valid in accordance with the JAR-FCL Note: A JAA Member State may at any time in accordance with its national procedureact on appeals, limit privileges, or suspend or revoke any licence, rating, authorisation approval or certificate it has issued in accordance with the requirements of the JAR-FCL, if it is established that an applicant or a licence holder has not met, or no longer meets, the requirements of the JAR-FCL or relevant national law of the State of Licence Issue.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Acceptance of licences, ratings, authorisations, approvals or certificates issued by JAA Member States: issued by JAA Member States: All licences, ratings, authorisations, approvals or certificates issued by a JAA Member State shall be accepted without formality by other JAA Member States (JAR-FCL a). issued by non-JAA Member States: issued by non-JAA Member States: A licence issued by a non-JAA Member State may be rendered valid at the discretion of the Autority of the JAA Member State for use on aircraft registered in the JAA Member State in accordance to the requirements of the JAR-FCL (JAR-FCL b).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Issue of JAR/FCL Licence based on a national licence issued by a JAA-Member State A pilot licence issued by a JAA Member State in accordance with the national requirements of that State may be replaced by a JAR-FCL licence, subject to the following conditions: For ATPL(A) and CPL(A): For ATPL(A) and CPL(A): complete, as proficiency check, the type/class ratings and, if applicable, the IR revalidation requirements. demonstrate to the authority knowledge of JAR-OPS and JAR-FCL demonstrate knowledge of English language, if holding a IR comply with following experience requirements as stipulated on the following slides:
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements comply with following experience requirements as stipulated on the following slides: For ATPL(A) holders with more than 1500 hours as PIC on MPA on national licence: For ATPL(A) holders with more than 1500 hours as PIC on MPA on national licence: no additional JAA requirements to be fulfilled. JAR-FCL ATPL(A) shall be issued. For ATPL(A) holders with more than 1500 hours on MPA on national licence: For ATPL(A) holders with more than 1500 hours on MPA on national licence: no additional JAA requirements to be fulfilled; JAR-FCL ATPL(A) shall be issued with type rating restricted to co-pilot; To remove condition, the holder shall demonstrate ability to act as PIC according JAR-FCL.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements For ATPL(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA on national licence: For ATPL(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA on national licence: additional JAA requirement to demonstrate with satisfaction knowledge of flight planning and performance; JAR-FCL ATPL(A) shall be issued with type rating restricted to co-pilot. For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA or multi-pilot operation on single-pilot aeroplanes (FAR-23) in accordance with JAR-OPS on national licence, having passed the ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge examination: For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA or multi-pilot operation on single-pilot aeroplanes (FAR-23) in accordance with JAR-OPS on national licence, having passed the ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge examination: additional JAA requirements: -to demonstrate with satistaction knowledge of flight planning and performance;
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements -to have at least 100 hours PIC; -to have a valid IR(A). JAR-FCL CPL(A) / IR(A) shall be issued with ATPL theory credit For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA or multi-pilot operation on single-pilot aeroplanes (FAR-23) in accordance with JAR-OPS on national licence: For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on MPA or multi-pilot operation on single-pilot aeroplanes (FAR-23) in accordance with JAR-OPS on national licence: additional JAA requirements: - to pass the JAR-FCL ATPL (A) theoretical knowledge examination in the “State of Licence Issue”; -have at least 100 hours PIC and have a valid IR(A). JAR-FCL CPL(A) / IR(A) shall be issued with ATPL theory credit
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on single- pilot aeroplanes on national licence: For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with more than 500 hours on single- pilot aeroplanes on national licence: no additional JAA requirements to be fulfilled; JAR-FCL CPL(A) / IR(A) shall be issued with type/class ratings restricted to SPA. For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with less than 500 hours on single- pilot aeroplanes on national licence: For CPL(A) / IR(A) holders with less than 500 hours on single- pilot aeroplanes on national licence: additional JAA requirement to demonstrate with satisfaction knowledge of flight performance and planning; JAR-FCL CPL(A) / IR(A) shall be issued with type/class ratings restricted to SPA; to remove condition MPA rating should be obtained
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements For CPL(A) holders with more than 500 hours on single-pilot aeroplanes on national licence: For CPL(A) holders with more than 500 hours on single-pilot aeroplanes on national licence: additional JAA requirement to obtain night qualification, if applicable; JAR-FCL CPL(A) shall be issued restricted to SPA. For CPL(A) holders with less than 500 hours on single-pilot aeroplanes on national licence: For CPL(A) holders with less than 500 hours on single-pilot aeroplanes on national licence: additional JAA requirements: - to obtain night qualification, if applicable; - to demonstrate with satisfaction knowledge of flight performance and planning JAR-FCL CPL(A) shall be issued restricted to SPA
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements For PPL(A) /IR(A) with more than 75 hours flying time in accordance with IFR: For PPL(A) /IR(A) with more than 75 hours flying time in accordance with IFR: additional JAA requirement to obtain night qualification, if night flying privileges are not included in the IR; JAR-FCL PPL(A) / IR(A) shall be issued, the IR restricted to PPL For PPL(A) with more than 75 hours flying time on aeroplanes: For PPL(A) with more than 75 hours flying time on aeroplanes: additional JAA requirement to demonstrate the use of radio navigation aids; JAR-FCL PPL(A) shall be issued.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Validation of Licences A licence issued by a non- JAA Member State may be rendered valid at the discretion of the Authority of a JAA Member State for use on aircraft registered in that JAA State, in accordance with following requirements: Minimum requirements for validation of commercial licences issued by non-JAA States: Minimum requirements for validation of commercial licences issued by non-JAA States: Complete, as skill test, the type or class rating revalidation requirements of the JAR-FCL; Demonstrate to the authority knowledge of JAR-OPS and JAR-FCL; Demonstrate knowledge of English language; Meet any published additional deemed necessary by the State; Hold a valid class 1 medical certificate.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Comply with following experience requirements: ATPL(A)More than 1500 hours as PIC on MPA ATPL(A)More than 1500 hours as PIC on MPA ATPL(A) / CPL(A)/IRMore than 1500 hours as co-pilot or PIC on MPA, according OPS requirements ATPL(A) / CPL(A)/IRMore than 1500 hours as co-pilot or PIC on MPA, according OPS requirements (*) MPA Licence holders should demonstrate ATPL(A) level knowledge before validation CPL (A)/ IR(A)More than 1000 hours as PIC in commercial air transport since gaining IR CPL (A)/ IR(A)More than 1000 hours as PIC in commercial air transport since gaining IR CPL (A)/ IR(A)More than 1000 hours as PIC or co-pilot in single pilot aeroplanes according OPS CPL (A)/ IR(A)More than 1000 hours as PIC or co-pilot in single pilot aeroplanes according OPS CPL (A)More than 700 hours in aeroplanes other than TMG, including 200 hours in the activity role for which validation is sought, and 50 hours in that role in the last year. CPL (A)More than 700 hours in aeroplanes other than TMG, including 200 hours in the activity role for which validation is sought, and 50 hours in that role in the last year.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Minimum requirements for validation of private pilote licences issued with Instrument Rating issued by non-JAA States:Minimum requirements for validation of private pilote licences issued with Instrument Rating issued by non-JAA States: Complete, as skill test, the type/class and instrument rating; Demonstrate with satisfaction the knowledge of Air Law, Aeronautical Weather, Flight Planning and Performance (IR), and Human Performance; Hold a valid class 2 medical certificate; Demonstrate knowledge of English language; hold R/T privileges acceptable to the Authority; comply with following experience requirements: PPL(A) / IR (A)More than 100 hours PIC instrument flight time
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Conversion of a licence issued by a non-JAA State Conversion of a professional pilot licence - consequently Conversion of a professional pilot licence - consequently A professional pilot licence(CPL-ATPL) and/or instrument rating (IR) issued by a non-JAA State may be converted to a JAR-FCL licence provided that an arrangement exists between the JAA and the non-JAA State (JAR-FCL 1015 c). This arrangement shall be extablished on the basis of reciprocity of licence acceptance and shall ensure that an equivalent level of safety exists between the training and testing requirements of the JAA and the non-JAA State. Any arrangement shall be reviewed periodically, as agreed between the JAA and the non-JAA State.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Conversion of a private pilot licence:Conversion of a private pilot licence: A private pilot licence issued by a non-JAA State may be converted to a JAA licence if the applicant: is holder of an ICAO licence; holds at least a class 2 medical certificate; holds R/T privileges acceptable to the Authority; has a current and valid national ICAO licence with at least 100 hours on aeroplanes, and passes a written examination on Air Law, Human Performance and Limitations; passes a written examination on Air Law, Human Performance and Limitations; passes a skill test as provided for in the JAR-FCL; passes a skill test as provided for in the JAR-FCL; fulfils all additional requirements of the JAR-FCL class and type ratings (JAR-FCL Subpart J). fulfils all additional requirements of the JAR-FCL class and type ratings (JAR-FCL Subpart J).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Credits given to a holder of a licence isued by a non- JAA State An applicant for a JAR-FCL Licence and IR, already holding at least an equivalent licence issued according ICAO Annex A by a non-JAA State shall meet the requirements of the JAR-FCL, except that the requirements of course duration, number of lessons and training hours may be reduced (JAR-FCL a). An applicant for a JAR-FCL Licence and IR, already holding at least an equivalent licence issued according ICAO Annex A by a non-JAA State shall meet the requirements of the JAR-FCL, except that the requirements of course duration, number of lessons and training hours may be reduced (JAR-FCL a). The holder of an ATPL (A) issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 who meets 1500 flying hours may be exempted from the requirements to undergo approved training prior to undertaking the theoretical knowledge examinations and the skill test, if that licence contains a valid MPA rating for the aeroplane used in the test (JAR-FCL b). The holder of an ATPL (A) issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 who meets 1500 flying hours may be exempted from the requirements to undergo approved training prior to undertaking the theoretical knowledge examinations and the skill test, if that licence contains a valid MPA rating for the aeroplane used in the test (JAR-FCL b).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Validity of licences and ratings General General A licence holder shall not exercise the privileges granted by any licence or rating issued by a JAA Member State unless the holder maintains competency by meeting the relevant requirements of the JAR-FCL (JAR- FCL a); Factors determining the validity of the licence: Factors determining the validity of the licence: The validity of the licence is determined by two factors: the validity of the ratings contained therein; the validity of the ratings contained therein; the validity of the medical certificate. the validity of the medical certificate. (JAR-FCL b)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Maximum validity period: Maximum validity period: A licence shall be issued for a maximum period of 5 years. Re-issuance of a licence: Re-issuance of a licence: Within this period of maximum 5 years the licence will be re-issued by the Authority: after initial issue or renewal of a rating; when the paragraph with number XII (ratings) is completed; for any administrative reason at the discretion of the Authority when a rating is revalidated (JAR-FCL c)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Medical fitness General General The holder of a medical certificate shall be mentally and physically fit to exercise safely the privileges of the applicable licence (JAR-FCL a). Requirement for medical certificate: Requirement for medical certificate: In order to apply for or to exercise the privileges of a licence, the applicant or the holder shall hold a medial certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of the JAR-FCL 3 (JAR-FCL b). Aeromedical disposition: Aeromedical disposition: After completion of the examination the applicant shall be advised whether fit, unfit or referred to the Authority. The AME shall inform the applicant of any conditions that may restrict flying training and/or privileges to the licence (JAR-FCL c).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Decrease in medical fitness Decrease in medical fitness Holders of a medical certificate shall not exercise the privileges of their licences, related ratings or authorisations at any time when they are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness (JAR-FCL a). Notification of Authority: Notification of Authority: Holders of medical certificates shall, without any delay, seek the advice of the AMS, an AMC or an AME when becoming aware of: hospital or clinic admission for more than 12 hours; surgical operation or invasive procedure; the regular use of medecine; the need for regular use of correcting lenses. (JAR-FCL b).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Suspension of medical certificate:Suspension of medical certificate: Holders of a medical certificate who are aware of: any significant personal injury involving incapacity to function as a member of a flight crew; or any illness involving incapacity to function as a member of a flight crew throughout a period of 21 days or more, being pregnant shall inform the Authority in writing of such injury or pregnancy. The medical certificate shall be suspended upon the occurrence of such period of illness or confirmation of the pregnancy (JAR-FCL d).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Lifting of the suspension of medical certificate:Lifting of the suspension of medical certificate: Suspension as a result of injury or illness: In the case of injury or illness the suspension shall be lifted upon the holder being medically examined under arrangements made by the Authority and being pronounced fit to function as a flight crew member. Suspension as a result of pregnancy: In the case of pregnancy, the suspension may be lifted by the Authority for such period and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit and shall cease upon the holder being medically examined under arrangements made by the Authority after the pregnancy has ended and being pronounced fit to resume her functions as a flight crew member. (JAR-FCL d)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Curtailment of privileges of licence holders aged 60 years or more Age Age The holder of a pilot licence who has attained the age of 60 years shall not act as a pilot of an aircraft engaged in commercial air transport operations except: as a member of a multi-pilot crew and provided that, such holder is the only pilot in the flight crew who has attained the age of 60 (JAR-FCL a) Age 65 and over Age 65 and over The holder of a pilot licence who has attained the age of 65 years shall not act as a pilot of an aircraft engaged in commercial air transport operations (JAR-FCL b)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements State of Licence Issue What? What? An applicant shall demonstrate the satisfactory completion of all requirements for licence issue to one Authority. This Authority becomes then the “State of Licence Issue” (JAR-FCL a) Changing Authorities: Changing Authorities: In circumstances agreed by both Authorities, an applicant who has commenced training under the responsibility of one Authority may be permitted to complete the requirements under the responsibility of another Authority. In that case the Authorities concerned shall agree the “State of Licence Issue” (JAR-FCL b)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Adding further ratings: Adding further ratings: Further ratings may be obtained under JAR-FCL requirements in any JAA Member State and will be entered into the licence by the “State of Licence Issue” (JAR-FCL c) Transferring a licence: Transferring a licence: For administrative convenience, e.g. revalidation, the licence holder may subsequently transfer a licence issued by the “State of Licence Issue” to another JAA Member State, provided that employment or normal residency is established in that State. That State will become than the new “State of Licence Issue”. (JAR-FCL d)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium General Requirements Normal residency Normal residency means: the place where a person usually lives for at least 185 days in each calender year because of personal and occupational ties; or the place where a person usually lives for at least 185 days in each calender year because of personal and occupational ties; or in the case of a person with no occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person and the place where she or he is living. in the case of a person with no occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person and the place where she or he is living. (JAR-FCL 1.070)