Unit 6 Test Review Africa
Nile River Where do the major tributaries meet? Where is it located? What are the benefits of the Aswan High Dam? What are some negatives associated with the Aswan High Dam?
Key Terms Brain Drain Goree Island Berlin Conference Rai Souks Stateless Society Aquifer
Colonialism Some results Berlin Conference
Desertification What would prevent an area from being threatened by desertification? What causes desertification? What is salinization? What are marginal lands?
Physical Features Sahara desert – where, what is it like. Mt Kilimanjaro Nile River Congo River Sahel Niger delta
South Africa Apartheid Nelson Mandela Natural resources
Nigerian Oil Where does it come from? Environmental damage. Who benefits? Ethnic Groups - What about them?
There are four main ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Yoruba – live in the southwest part of Nigeria. Christians who were educated in British schools and run the government. The Ibo – Live in the southeast part of Nigeria. Christianity is strong but most are animistic. Tried to secede from Nigeria in the 1960’s but were defeated in a bloody civil war. The Hausa and Fulani – represent 32% of Nigeria’s population, are predominately Muslim, and live in the northern part of Nigeria