1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Identify similarities between the issues and concerns faced by Latinos and Native Americans during the 1960s… Both Poverty; victims of prejudice; high unemployment; great diversity; concerns over children’s education; pride in cultural heritage; political activism; militant groups Desire for greater assimilation Desire to remain outside mainstream society; greater autonomy HOME Latinos Native Americans MAP
1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Vine Deloria, Jr., said, “ When you get far enough away from the reservation, you can see it’s the urban man who has no identity.” What do you think he meant by this? ANSWER Unlike Native Americans living on reservations, people living in cities have lost their identity. HOME End of Section 1 MAP
2 Women Fight for Equality A new feminist movement emerges during the 1960s, as women fight to improve their opportunities and status in society. KEY IDEA HOME GRAPH
2 Women Fight for Equality Look at the graphic to help organize your thoughts. List 5 key events relating to the women’s movement. Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of HOME National Organization for Women is formed. (NOW) Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade legalizes abortion National Women’s Political Caucus is organized Congress passes Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and bans sexual discrimination in educational programs and activities GRAPH
3 Culture and Counterculture Groups of disillusioned youths shun the social activism of the time and choose instead to “drop out” of society and establish their own way of life. OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT KEY IDEA HOME
3 Culture and Counterculture Look at the graphic to help organize your thoughts. For each category in the tree diagram, list examples of its relation to the counterculture. Rejection of mainstream society materialism and technology; opposition to war; vision of a society filled with peace, love, and harmony HOME Rock ‘n’ roll music; outrageous clothing; drug use; communal living The Counterculture Lifestyle Beliefs Impact on Society Pop art; men’s and women’s fashions; rock ‘n’ roll; conservative movement