Forest Planning and IRWMPs in the Sierra Nevada Sue Britting June 11, 2013
Coalition of conservation groups Focused on national forests in the Sierra Nevada Supporting a science-based conservation vision Prepares listing petitions and pursues various regulatory mechanisms to secure conservation for at risk resources Active participants in project planning and NEPA process on public lands
New rule to guide national forest planning (April 2012) Three Inyo, Sequoia and Sierra NFs selected as early adopters Planning SN wide and for these three NFs started in 2012 Other NFs in the SN to follow these
2012 Communication & Collaboration Plans completed Science Synthesis completed for SN 2013 SN Bioregional Assessment Forest Assessments (Inyo, Sierra, Sequoia NFs) Begin Identifying Need for Change 2014 Complete Need for Change Develop and Analyze Proposed Plan (each NF done separately) 2015 Public Review of Draft Plan and EIS (each NF done separately) Approve Revised Plan Monitor Multi-year Process
FS Completed: Collaboration and communication plans for Region 5 and three forest ( NTS/stelprdb pdf) FS Completed: Science synthesis to address key issues in the Sierra Nevada ( sw_sciencesynthesis2013/index.shtml) Conservation Coalition Completed: 2012 C and C Plans Completed Science Synthesis completed Strategy to guide engagement in revision process
Bioregional Assessment Evaluate region wide issues Covers social, economic and ecological issues Information to evaluate what parts of the forest plan need to be changed (or what parts should remain the same) Complete by July 2013 Background information can be viewed through Living Assessment Bioregional Assessment Forest Assessments (Inyo, Sierra, and Sequoia NFs) Begin Identifying Need for Change on three NFs Forest Assessments Step down from bioregional assessment Complete for Inyo, Sequoia and Sierra NFs by end of Early drafts now posted on WIKI
Give Feedback on Draft Plan Components 2014 Complete Need for Change Develop and Analyze Proposed Plan The revised plans must address actions needed to protect and conserve water resources and aquatic habitats.
2015 Public Review of Draft Plan and EIS Approve Revised Plan Monitor Provide comments on forest plan Provide comments on monitoring plan Begin implementing actions