U NIT 1 Day 3: Threats of Globalism & Ethnic Cleansing
T ERRORISM The unlawful use/threat of violence to cause fear and advance political, religious, ideological goals Traditionally used to overthrow gov’ts Latin America Terrorism connected to drug trade in Columbia/Peru Great Britain IRA (Irish Repub. Army) tried to end British control in N. Ireland through bombings, assassinations, etc. South Asia Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka use suicide bombings, etc. to fight for independence
T ERRORISM IN M IDDLE E AST Causes: Arab-Israeli conflict West/Western domination Radical Muslim Organizations: 1980’s: Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda used terrorist tactic against Israel and Western nations Hamas: seeks to destroy Israel, create Palestinian state State-Sponsored Terrorism Hezbollah supported by Iran, considered “legitimate resistance movement” against Israel
F IGHTING T ERRORISM After 9/11/01 al Qaeda attacks on US, new legislation passed: 1. Dept. of Homeland Security created 2. Border security 3. Transportation network surveillance 4. Patriot Act
F IGHTING T ERRORISM Actions: Military action in countries supporting terrorists 2001 US invades Afghanistan, forced out Taliban gov’t 2003 US invasion of Iraq, target Saddam Hussein (oops)
W EAPONS OF M ASS D ESTRUCTION WMD : biological, chemic, and nuclear weapons that can cause great amount of destruction Biological weapons Made w/ organisms/toxins ( anthrax, plague, smallpox) 2001, Anthrax sent through mail kills 5 Americans Chemical Weapons Mustard gas, nerve gas, use chemicals to kill/injure 1980’s S.Hussein used in Iran- Iraq War
H OW TO C ONTROL N UCLEAR W EAPONS Sanctions : Economic/Political penalties imposed by countries to force change in policy
R ECENT E THNIC C ONFLICT 1994: Rwanda, Tutsi and Hutu (ethnic groups) Casualties: 1 million people, most were Tutsi killed by Hutu militias 2 million Tutsi and Hutu refugees to neighboring countries Led to food shortage, disease
E THNIC C ONFLICT : D ARFUR 2000’s: Darfur region of Sudan State-sponsored Arab militia attacks (non-Arab) African villagers, loot/destroy homes Response to rebellion of non- Arabs African Union sends peacekeeping force to Sudan By 2006, 400,000 people killed in Darfur 2 million fled to refugee camps
E THNIC C LEANSING R EADING Read the document completely (you may annotate as you go/highlight/underline). Answer the 3 questions in complete sentences.