Created By: Victoria, Matthew, Jacinto, & Safa
Research Question: How does the absence of light affect the Tropaeolum Majus seed’s germination
What climate does the seed tropaeolum majus seed grow in? warm climates Where is it mostly found? Brazil, Peru and other parts of South America Where did it originate from? Peru How much humidity or precipitation does it grow in? at least 60% of humidity How long does it take to grow? A few days Interesting facts? It grows about 3.5m, they are found in forested areas, these plants are mainly used as garden plants.
Hypothesis: We believed that the absence of light would make the germination process slower.
6 planting pots(fill with soil 7x7x5) 1 Tropaeolum majus seed per pot(each seed represents a Replication or trials) CONTROL FACTORS Light (18 hrs per day) vs. Dark (24 hours) CHANGING VARIABLE Light INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Light/ Dark DEPENDENT VARIABLE Time Interval: Days until green shoot can be observed CONSTANT VARIABLES Room Temperature 75 mL of water per seed per day (light) 100mL (dark) Light Source: Flourescent Light bulb Tropaeolum Majus seeds
MATERIALS: *graduated cylinder *potting soil *6 pots (7x7x7) *6 Trapaeolum majus seeds *water *data chart *box large enough to fit 3 pots(7x7x7) *ruler for measurement *fluorescent light lamp (optional: with timer)
1. Gather all materials. 2. Fill each growth pot with soil 5 cm deep. 3. Plant one Tropaeolum majus seed 2 mm deep per pot. 4. Put 3 pots in a box and close the lid. 5. Put the other 3 pots under the fluorescent light. 6. Set timer at 12 hours for light. 7. Everyday, measure 100 mL of water in a beaker and pour into each pot with light. Measure and pour 75mL of water in each pot in the box. 8. Record Observations 2x a day (morning and afternoon) 9. When 1st green shoot can be observed, it has germinated.
LIGHT DARK MorningAfternoonMorningAfternoon Days Day 8nothing Slightly Germinated Day 9nothing no progress Day 10nothing no progress Day 11nothing no progress Day 12nothing no progress Day 13nothing no progress Day 14nothing no progress
Light Dark MorningAfternoonMorningAfternoon Days Day 8nothing Day 9nothing Day 10nothing Day 11nothing Day 12nothing Day 13nothing Day 14nothing
Light Dark MorningAfternoonMorningAfternoon Days Day 8nothing About to Germinate Day 9nothing Day 10nothing Day 11slightly germinatedno progressnothing Day 12no progress nothing Day 13no progress nothing Day 14no progress nothing
As you can see, barely any seed germinated. For trial one, the seed in the dark slightly germinated on Day 8, but showed no progress afterwards. For trial 2, none of the seeds even started to germinate. For trial 3, on Day 11, one of the seeds was slightly germinated, but showed no progress afterwards. Also, on Day 8, one of the seeds in light looked like it was about to germinate for a little crack on the seed's coating, but again, no progress was shown, and that one is not proven.
Both the Days and Percentage of Germination are the dependent variable and Light and Dark are independent. The graph shows all three trials with orange bar representing the seed in light and the blue bar representing the seed in dark. The percentages are not precise, more approximate.
Our hypothesis was not really proven because the seeds never fully germinated. But our hypothesis so far has been incorrect because both of the plants in the dark and light did not germinate so they are going at the same speed. The dark seeds didn’t germinate sooner, for now. It has been 2 weeks.
How long would it really take the seeds to germinate? How long would it take the seeds to grow? Why haven’t the light and absence of light differed in the speed of the germination process?
Pictures- Safa Graphs- Victoria Tables- Safa Animation- Victoria Slides- Jacinto, Matthew, Victoria and Safa Seeds- Ms. Doll Awesomeness- Jacinto, Matthew, Victoria and Safa Oh yeah... XD