Welcome to MA
Contact Personal: Drop in Call us: Send us an a-mail: ma-kasse.dk/kontaktma-kasse.dk/kontakt Read more: MA Guiden - ma-kasse.dk/ma-guidenma-kasse.dk/ma-guiden Opening hours Monday Tuesday Thursday 10-15
Requirements To have an accessible cv on jobnet.dk (full time jobs, as soon as possible, mail/phone) Check the job propositions at jobnet at least every seventh day Participate in the meetings and interviews MA or the job center invites you to Participate in the activities, contained in the job plan you make with the job centre, and actively seek work Joblog: You must register your job search activities every week at MA Selvbetjening or jobnet.dkMA Selvbetjening Job Search Plan (Krav til jobsøgning) Mails sent to you via Jobnet.dk
Job search and availability You must apply for fulltime jobs every week. MA recommends that you apply for several jobs every week. Your job search must be realistic. This means that you must be qualified for the jobs you apply for, that you must make yourself available for jobs you can manage, and that you must do what you can to find work. If you cannot find enough job openings within your profession you must apply for jobs outside your field. You must be available for any job you are able to do. Change your strategy on a regular basis. Widen your scope. You must use all channels for your job search: advertised jobs, unsolicited job search. Use your network and your contacts. You must apply for full time positions - even if you have a part time job. You must primarily apply for jobs in Denmark. Applications for jobs abroad count as a supplement. Applications for ”virksomhedspraktik” and ”løntilskud” do not count.
Joblog at MA Selvbetjening
Joblog Optional field Fields with a red asterisk: * - are mandatory Optional field
Who does what?
Activation When? Under the age of 30 or after 50 years of age: After 3 months (13 weeks) at the latest years: After 6 months (26 weeks) at the latest Right and obligation to have one activation period, min. 2 weeks However, you always have an obligation to participate in an activation Further activation programmes possible – take action yourself! Types of activation Coaching/training Internship 4/8 weeks State subsidized job/public sector (4 months – after 6 months) State subsidized job/private sector (6 months – after 6 months) Exceptions: 50+ and single parents.
Opportunities Job seeking abroad – take your dagpenge (unemployment benefits) to another EEA country (max three months) in order to look for a job Workshops at MA. Please check ma-kasse.dk Free IT training on-line (onlinekurser.dk) Unpaid voluntary job Freelance work