Case1: Exchange Rate Projections. Casullo Financial Services (CFS). Zhen Qi
Outline Purpose of this Case Models used for this Case Study Test the forecasting skills of the models for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW Out-of-sample forecasts of the Models for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW Select the "best" model Project the exchange rate for the GBP and JPY through 2012:2 using the best Model
Purpose of this Case Select the "best" model among (A) Forward exchange rates. (B) Ad-hoc economic models. (c) PPP. (D) Monetary approach. Forecasting Exchange rate for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW (Korean Won) for the time period 2011:3~2012:2
Models used for Case Study 1. Forward exchange rates, Linear IRP approximation: F t,T S t [1 + (i d - i f ) x T/360], 2. Ad-hoc economic model S d/f,t = a 0 + a 1 (I d – I f ) t + a 2 (y d – y f ) t + ε t 3. Relative PPP simplified Model s t,T e f,T PPP I d – I f 4. Monetary approach s t,T = y f,T - y d,T + m Sd,T - m Sf,T
Test the forecasting skills The forecasting skills of these 4 models were tested based on the information available at the end of 2010:2. The in-sample performance of the models were evaluated by evaluating the signs, the t-statistics, and the R-squared coefficients. The above tasked were tested using the data available for the USD/GBP, USD/JPY, USD/MXN, and USD/KOW
USD/GBP: linear IRP approximation
USD/GBP: Ad-hoc economic models
USD/GBP: Relative PPP
USD/GBP: Monetary approach
Out-of-sample forecasts Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/GBP during 2010:III–2011:II Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)
IRP & ad-hoc
Relative PPP & Monetary Approach
Performance Comparison
USD/JPY: linear IRP approximation
USD/JPY: Ad-hoc economic models
USD/JPY: Relative PPP
USD/JPY: Monetary approach
Out-of-sample forecasts Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/JYP during 2010:III–2011:II Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)
IRP & ad-hoc
Relative PPP & Monetary Approach
Performance Comparison
USD/KOW: linear IRP approximation
USD/KOW: Ad-hoc economic models
USD/KOW: Relative PPP
USD/KOW: Monetary approach
Out-of-sample forecasts Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/KOW during 2010:III–2011:II Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)
IRP & ad-hoc
Relative PPP & Monetary Approach
Performance Comparison
USD/MXN: linear IRP approximation
USD/MXN: Ad-hoc economic models
USD/MXN: Relative PPP
USD/MXN: Monetary approach
Out-of-sample forecasts Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/MXN during 2010:III–2011:II –i.e., Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)
IRP & ad-hoc
Relative PPP & Monetary Approach
Performance Comparison
Select the "best" model
Project the exchange rate for the GBP and JPY through 2012:2 using IRP