Overview: Evidence-based Health Promotion and Disease Management Programs
What are Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs? A process of planning, implementing, and evaluating programs adapted from tested models or interventions Uses an epidemiologic perspective that focuses on populations rather than individuals It emphasizes both prevention and treatment.
Evidence-Based Models Best Practice Evidence- Based Model Promising Practice
AoA Tiered Levels of EBHP Minimal Intermediate Highest
Translating “The Evidence” into Community-based Programs Challenge: translate the intervention from its original application under controlled “laboratory-like” settings with tightly monitored protocols Understand the core elements of the intervention that made it work
Evidence-based Evaluation Occurs at two levels Implementation (process evaluation) Effects (outcomes evaluation) Measure outcomes at both individual and community levels: Assess changes in program participants’ learning, health behaviors, and health status the effects of the program on community health status
“ Fidelity” in EBHP Process of faithfully and accurately adhering to the core elements of an intervention Fidelity, or the preservation of the evidence base, is central to evidence- based health promotion.
EBHP in Practice Tasks To identify an important health issue and the population at risk Identify effective intervention(s) Establish broad-based partnerships Select an intervention Translate the intervention into a program Evaluate the program Sustain the program
Evidence-Based Change! Administration on Aging Centers for Disease Control and Prevention AHRQ, NIH, SAMHSA and other federal agencies John A. Hartford Foundation Atlantic Philanthropies Retirement Research Foundation Archstone Foundation Regional Foundations States, regional and community-based organizations
National Council on Aging (NCOA) NCOA is a national network founded in 1950 Over 3,800 members Voluntary leadership network Home of the Center for Healthy Aging
2001: Demonstration projects (4) 2003: Model projects (14) served 5,000 people 2006: “Choices for Independence”–24 states 2007: Challenge grants (4 more states) 2010: AoA ARRA Projects: 48 states/territories 2013: AoA Empowering Older People–22 states The EBHP “Movement”
Federal Partnership-DHHS (AoA, CMS, CDC, HRSA) Nationwide systems approach Strategic framework to strengthen coordinated efforts for optimum health and quality of life The Aging Network as the Delivery System
AoA’s Vision for EBHP Distribution & Delivery System Leadership Public Education/Awareness Infrastructure Capacity Building Enrollment/Registration Resource Coordination Quality Assurance Accounting/Financial Project Management, Data Collection & Reporting System
Recovery Act CDSMP Goals Reach 50,000 completers March 31, March 30, 2012 Establish sustainable program delivery system
Prevention and Public Health Fund CDSME Initiative Build on success of ARRA initiative $8.5 million awarded to 22 states Two goals Significantly increase the number of older and/or disabled adults who complete CDSME programs Strengthen and expand integrated, sustainable service systems to provide access to CDSME programs
EBHP Programs for Older Adults Chronic Disease Self- Management Physical Activity: Arthritis Exercise Enhanced Fitness Enhanced Wellness Fit and Strong Healthy Moves Stepping On Tai Chi Active Living Every Day Caregiver Support Depression Management Healthy IDEAS PEARLS Falls Matter of Balance Nutrition Healthy Eating Behavioral Health Brief Interventions for Alcohol Misuse Medication Management
160,000 + participants enrolled in CDSMP CDSMP Participants Reached
Expanding Program Reach (NCOA, 2013) CDSME County Presence
Host Organization Types (NCOA, 2013)
Host Organization Types – Health Care (NCOA, 2013)
31.2% of CDSME participants compared to 21.7% of 60+ nationally Participant Diversity (NCOA, 2013)
CDSMP Participant Characteristics CharacteristicPercent of Total Age 60+73% Gender Female77% Living Alone46% Racial/Ethnic Minority Group32% Multiple Chronic Conditions62%
CDSMP Participants - Chronic Conditions
Sustainable Infrastructure Selected Best Practices Title III D of the Older Americans Act Language requires that funds be used for “programs and activities which have been demonstrated through rigorous evaluation to be evidence-based and effective.” Embedding within systems Senior housing Department of Corrections Veterans Administration Integration with other state and regional initiatives Department of Public Health Multicultural/Minority Health Mental Health and Substance Abuse SCSEP
Sustainable Infrastructure Selected Best Practices (cont.) Partnerships with health care providers/systems State Health Insurance Assistance Program Federally Qualified Health Centers Care Transitions Initiatives Patient-Centered Medical Homes Other ACA Initiatives
It’s all about Systems Change Strategies Broadly disseminate available EBHP Dissemination best practices: Build infrastructure through partnerships Develop staffing capacity Embed EBHP into health care delivery Institute quality assurance systems Focus on program sustainability