Final Exam l April 9th, 9:00 to 12:00 l That is a week from this Friday l Overemphasis on new material l Chapters 19 & 20, 23 m.c. questions (2X23 = 46 questions) l Chapters 11-18, 104 m.c. questions (8 X 13 = 104 l Total: 150 m.c. questions
Finishing the course l Plan: Complete grades posted by next Wed., including participation and bonus points l Direct part. queries to T.A. l Bonus papers and anything else will be brought to the exam l Rules of the Registrar govern the final
Health Psychology (Chapter 20) What is health psychology? Health and wellness Stress and coping Course evaluation
Why might this be beneficial?
Definition l Mind - Physical health l Psychological - Physiological l Case: Heart transplant Psychological ramifications for man and family Life style evaluation: Will he change? Long term impact (e.g., death)
History l Maintenance of wellness Lifestyle, keeping people active and fit l Prevention of illness Smoking, drinking, AIDS-risk l Response to illness If here is no medical cause of pain, send for the psychologist!
Biopsychosocial model Health, Wellness Psychological factors Social factors Biological factors
How to live long: l sleep 7-8 hours per day l eat breakfast daily l rarely eat between meals l have proper weight l do not smoke l do not drink alcohol to excess l be active (aerobic, anaerobic)
Stress l Stressors are situations or events that threaten or challenge us Driving to Kentville is easy; doing it in 6 minutes is not l Stressors can be negative (distress) or positive (eustress) Social Readjustment Rating Scale: 43 life changes that lead to stress
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) ResistanceExhaustionAlarm Base line Resources, Resistance Time Stressor
Stages l Alarm: Fight or flight response Adrenaline rush, energy, corticosteroids (clotting) l Resistance Energy used but not as rapidly, immune response l Exhaustion: Body cannot fight Infections, illness, sores
Personality l Threats have a cognitive component l “challenge” vs. a “crisis” l Primary appraisal: How threatening is something l Secondary appraisal: Coping Problem, emotion, and avoidance- oriented coping