Governor’s Plan for Improving Student Achievement, and School, College, and Career Readiness by 25% in Maryland Katharine M. Oliver Assistant State Superintendent Maryland State Department of Education Division of Career and College Readiness
STRATEGY IV: ENHANCE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH (STEM) EDUCATION Goal: Expand enrollment in STEM-related CTE programs such as Information Technology (IT) and Project Lead the Way’s pre- engineering and biomedical sciences by 10 percent by 2015
STRATEGY IV: ENHANCE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH (STEM) EDUCATION Key Milestones: o September 2013: Computer Science Programs of Study established in six new LEAs o July 2014: Grants awarded for additional Biomedical Sciences Programs of Study o September 2014: PLTW pre-Engineering Programs of Study added to three new LEAs
STRATEGY V: EXPAND CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (CTE) Goal: Increase the number of CTE graduates earning industry certifications and/or licenses related to their program of study by 10% by 2015
STRATEGY V: EXPAND CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (CTE) Key Milestones: o School Year : Three new school- based Industry Certification Assessment Centers established o January 2014: Microsoft Academy Initiative launched o January 31, 2014: CTE program involvement data will be released
STRATEGY V: EXPAND CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (CTE) Goal: Increase the percentage of CTE graduates who meet the “dual completers” requirements to 60 percent by 2015
STRATEGY V: EXPAND CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (CTE) Key Milestones: o February 2014: MD CTE Month promotes college-ready standards for every CTE graduate
Student-Stat CTE Students and Programs of Study 8
Skills-2-Compete CTE Students College and Career Ready