Gillian Hewitson CEO Newcastle Futures Ltd
Personal integrity Competence and good attitude A good level of self-awareness Accountable decision making Personal influence on others (connection) The ability to identify and develop their own strengths Self discipline Ability to build resilience – The ability to handle failure effectively
Resilience Is the process of ‘adapting well’ in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or, even, significant sources of stress. Such as family, relationship, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means ‘bouncing back’ from difficult experiences American Psychological Association
PERMA: Positive emotion — your personal feelings in the moment Engagement — It is presence of a flow state Relationships — The presence of friends, family, intimacy, or social connection Meaning — Belonging to and serving something bigger than one's self Achievement — Accomplishment that is pursued Martin Seligman Psychologist Penn University USA
Mental toughness ◦ Keeping perspective & a positive outlook (keeping a positive image of the futures) ◦ Finding and maintaining healthy relationships ◦ Finding a mentor ◦ Knowing your pinch points ◦ Find and use your nourishment centres
◦ Know what you are good at and find a position right for you and others ( ◦ Knowing what you stand for (Values/Meaning) ◦ See difficulties as challenges: a comma instead of a full stop ◦ Commit to solid goals and the desire to achieve them ◦ Understand your areas of control Strategic thinking
◦ EQ - Empathic and compassionate but do not waste time worrying about others opinion ◦ Handling failure effectively (Failing Forward) Keep it in perspective Its temporary Its not personal – learn from it ( & don’t let it affect other parts of your life) ◦ Having Wellbeing at heart (The Essentials)
The best leaders are enormously demanding and enormously caring they are very relational but they set their standards high. Robert E Quinn No one cares how much you know till they know how much you care. John C. Maxwell Leadership teachers and authors
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