EVS Textbook
Topics UNIT 1 and 2 It is me Inside my body Health is wealth I love my family Food for Health Types of Clothes Home sweet home Let us be safe UNIT 3 and 4 Directions and Time Our Neighbours Our occupations Festive Time National Festivals and Symbols Going places and Let us communicate Air, Water and Weather My green World, Our animal Friends The earth and the sky.
Objectives and Outcomes develop an understanding of our environmental issues and appreciate its impact on our daily activities, develop favourable attitudes and habits to protect and preserve our environment, develop a holistic understanding of the environment . to train children to locate and comprehend relationships between the natural, social and cultural environment, to nurture the curiosity and creativity, to develop an awareness about environmental issues.
Methods of teaching Excursion Demonstration Worksheet Observation Project Excursion Questionnaire
Parental guidance and motivation