Calm Behavioral Indicators Able to follow directions Less likely to react to provoking situations Responsive to praise and other forms of reinforcement Is able to make mistakes and receive correction Is interested in showing work and telling about accomplishments
Calm Interventions Structure physical space Establish, teach and reinforce expectations Provide engaging instruction Provide clear, consistent structure Conduct on-going assessment Teach and practice problem solving strategies Teach and practice social skills 4 Positive Interactions Negative or Corrective Interactions 1 These are also the prevention strategies that should already be in place.
Triggers Behavioral Indicators Provocation from another person Problem-solving situations Having to face consequences for behavior Continued errors Interruption of routine A noticeable change or increase in behavior (from baseline: calm)
Triggers Interventions Identify and acknowledge the antecedent/trigger Modify the influence of the antecedent Prompt alternative (replacement) behaviors Prompt use of a problem-solving routine Prompt the use of social skills Redirect Re-state directives
Agitation Behavioral Indicators Increased or decreased body/eye/hand movement Cryptic speech/no speech Off task behavior Bothering others/disruption Questioning and/or arguing Non-compliance (refusal) and defiance
Agitation Behavioral Indicators Whining and/or crying Limit testing Avoidance and/or escape (not wanting to do what is required) Destruction of property Verbally abusive Threats and/or intimidation
Agitation Interventions Provide quiet and alone time (space) –Insure adult proximity Provide additional time (think/processing time) Give Teacher support –Provide assurance –Focus on feelings as well as facts –Use restatement to clarify Give concrete task Give Choices: Independent Activities Movement Activities Relaxation Activities Preferred Activities
Acceleration Behavioral Indicators Uses engagement behaviors to get predictable responses (e.g., questioning, arguing, refusal, release, provoking) Threats, intimidation, defiance Leaves situation (escapes/elopes) Physical aggression Self-abuse Property destruction
Acceleration Interventions Provide reminders Avoid escalating prompts Maintain calmness, respect and detachment (ignore the challenge but not the person) Approach student in a non-threatening manner Modify the task or task demands Alter the physical arrangement Prompt the new routine Praise engagement Use crisis communication –Keep It Short and Simple (KISS) –Broken record/scratched CD
Peak Behavioral Indicators Serious physical aggression (immediate danger to self or others) Self-abuse Serious property destruction
Peak Interventions Overall goal is SAFETY! –Clear the area –Allow time and space –Implement the Crisis Plan –Call for HELP –Follow your school-wide emergency procedures –For students with IEPs - see Bulletin 5376 (students with disabilities with “serious” behavior) and Memo 5848 (NCI training)
De-escalation Behavioral Indicators Confusion Attempts to reconcile Withdrawal behaviors Responsive to concrete directions A noticeable change/decrease in behavior (not baseline: calm)
De-escalation Interventions Praise return to normal activities Allow time and space Avoid escalating prompts by maintaining calm and respectful Be empathetic
Recovery Behavioral Indicators Willingness to resume routine, especially tasks that do not require interaction Subdued behavior Reluctance to talk about the incident Denial of behavior
Recovery Interventions Focus on normal routine Praise appropriate behavior Rehearse problem-solving routine Insure adult proximity Debrief when appropriate