THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION A Tool for Enhanced Regional and Cross-border Cooperation Tallinn, 9th June 2006
THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION Janos Herman Tallinn, 9th June 2006
The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument CBC Strategy Janos Herman DG RELEX Tallinn 9 June 2006
The ENPI CBC Building on the Neighbourhood Programmes Support the implementation of ENP and the Strategic Partnership (RU), Northern Dimension, Barcelona Process Complementary to bilateral relations Cover all external borders – north, east and south Bottom – up development process Local and regional authorities are key actors
New features of the CBC programmes Programming horizon - seven years Fully equal and balanced programming and decision making structures between Member States and Partner Countries Local, regional and national levels Border crossing infrastructure can be integrated
Criteria programme establishment Eligibility as defined in ENPI regulation (NUTS II and III) Continuity Regional harmonisation aspects Geographical coherence Programme efficiency
Proposed programmes ENPI CBC East Nord-Kolarctic/Russia Karelia/Russia SE Finland/Russia Estonia/Latvia/Russia Latvia/Lithuania/Belarus Lithuania/Poland/Russia Poland/Belarus/Ukraine Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine Romania/Ukraine/Moldova Baltic Sea Black Sea
Content and priorities of the ENPI CBC programmes Build on four objectives: Promote economic and social development Address common challenges Ensure efficient and secure borders Promote people to people co-operation To be addressed in each programme
Promoting sustainable economic and social development in border areas Examples of Actions administrative capacity building and reform local and regional development joint planning efforts rural development and cross-border tourism strengthening of regional identity SME and business development trade and investment promotion cross-border labour market development transport and energy cooperation
Working together to address common challenges Examples of Actions environmental protection cross-border environmental challenges waste management management of natural resources protection of natural heritage emergency preparedness health and social development, prevention of communicable diseases, fight against organised crime, illegal migration, trafficking
Ensuring efficient and secure borders Examples of Actions improvement of border management operations and customs procedures increase of transparency and efficiency in trade and border passage alleviation of administrative and institutional obstacles to free flow of persons improvement of infrastructure and equipment at border controls
People- to-people cooperation Examples of Actions support to civil society and local communities support to reform local governance education and cultural exchange social sector co-operation social and cultural integration of border areas
Eligible Actors public authorities –primarily on local and regional level NGOs, development bodies,local and regional key actors, sub-national level – esp. in multilateral cooperation national bodies’ regional representatives when needed for project relevance Funding Indicatively approximately 1,1 b€ in total
THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION Sergey A. Ryabkov Tallinn, 9th June 2006
The Northern Dimension: Russian approach
The Northern Dimension area
Main facts about ND Launched in 1997 by Finland Since 1999 – EU policy First Action plan (AP) 1999 – 2003 Second AP 2003 – 2006 Russia is de-facto not participating 21 November 2005 – ND Ministerial conference in Brussels. Adopted Guidelines making ND a joint program of EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland
Shortcomings of EU ND Policy (1999 – 2006) Umbrella for cooperation in other formats Existing projects artificially labeled as “ND Projects” No financial resources of its own Partner countries are out of the decision making process Russian opinion wasn’t taken into account during elaboration of AP-1 and AP-2 because it was an EU policy
ND Partnerships Prioritized by Russia as a model before the launching of AP-2 Result-oriented and financially viable construction Could play a major role in the future ND provided parties agree on a definition of a partnership NDEP could serve as a model
ND Partnerships Successful example ND Environmental Partnership Created in 2001 De-facto a separate business project powered by EBRD Total volume close to EUR 2 bln. Individual countries contributions Russia earmarked 20 mln. until 2010 Inefficient example ND Partnership in Health and Social Well-being Created in 2003 Structure different from NDEP Main activities around creation of secretariat Very modest results Needs deep re-thinking and re-launching
Main features of a renewed Northern Dimension Joint program of EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland Coherence with national and regional development programs A regional projection of four EU-Russia common spaces Co-financing as the basic principle
Russian position vis-à-vis a renewed Northern Dimension Policy Result-oriented work distinguished from existing regional and bilateral formats A concise agenda of its own Providing synergy between different regional cooperation mechanisms Promoting best practices in the region
Russian approach to the future ND Policy Framework Document Concise document stating the ND objectives and identifying necessary structures for achieving them No need to redefine priorities already formulated in the Guidelines A fundamental question is to be answered: why do we need an ND policy and what will it change in the region?
The proposed structure ND Ministerial meetings Every two years or on special occasions Senior official meetings Whenever necessary and at least every alternate year between Ministerial meetings Steering Group At least three times a year ND Secretary Functions assumed in turn by experts of ND parties for one year period. The work of ND Secretary is funded by the ND party he/she represents
Projects A realistic number of concrete projects in the agreed priority sectors with detailed financial and operational parameters can be proposed by any ND Party at a meeting of Foreign Ministers or Senior Officials They will be implemented on the principles of co-financing provided they receive support of all ND Parties Involvement of IFI’s and private funds is most desirable
Actions taken by Russia Active involvement in the work of ND Expert group Russian Draft of ND Policy Framework documents submitted on 17 May Internal co-financing mechanism for ND and regional cooperation under development
Open issues How to ensure full participation of Norway and Iceland? Four Russia-EU road maps are main framework How to preserve independent and distinct nature of regional fora (CBSS, BEARC etc.) Which part of ENPI covers funding for ND from the EU side No funding in already presented ENPI regional component
Agenda for 2006 Meetings of ND Working Group Senior Officials Meeting (Imatra, September) Adoption of Framework Policy Document and Political Declaration on the margins of Russia – EU Summit (Helsinki, 24 November)
We hope that a renewed Northern Dimension will be launched in 2006
THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION Johnny Åkerholm Tallinn, 9th June 2006
|| | Johnny Åkerholm NORTHERN DIMENSION ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP – NDEP Founders and Steering Group : EBRD, EIB, European Commission, NIB, Russian Federation, World Bank Task: Choose projects to be financed under the environmental window Nuclear Operating Committee: All contributors to the nuclear window Task: Choose projects to be financed under the nuclear window NDEP Support Fund EUR 225 million Task: Allocate financial support to approved NDEP projects Assembly of Contributors: All contributors Task: Approve projects to be financed
|| | Johnny Åkerholm PLEDGES AS OF JUNE 2006 Nuclear window Non-nuclear EUR million EUR million European Commission Netherlands Belgium Great Britain Canada Norway France Sweden Germany Finland Denmark Russia Total EUR million EUR 76.1 million Whereof allocated EUR 19.1 million EUR 56.6 million *) *) Taking into account funds that have been provisionally set aside for three projects, only EUR 4 million remain available for new commitments, leaving important priority projects (including the St P Direct Discharges Project) without NDEP funding.
|| | Johnny Åkerholm NDEP PRIORITY PROJECTS 1. Environmental window Estimated project cost Lead (EUR million) bank Arkhangelsk Municipal Services Improvement Project *25EBRD Kaliningrad District Heating Rehabilitation *21 EBRD Kaliningrad Solid Waste Management Project49NIB Kaliningrad Water and Environmental Services Project ' 109EBRD Komi Municipal Services Improvement Project *32EBRD Leningrad Oblast Municipal Environmental Investment Programme * 23NIB Murmansk District Heating Project *30NIB Novgorod Cross Municipal Rehabilitation Project20 NIB St. Petersburg South West Wastewater Treatment Plant, (SWTP) * 189NIB St. Petersburg Direct Wastewater Discharge Project NIB St. Petersburg District Heating Programme (2003) 74 EBRD St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier * 492EBRD St. Petersburg Northern Incineration Plant * 90EBRD Ladoga-Onega Environmental Programme 500NIB Vologda Municipal Water Services 16EBRD _______________________________________________________________________________ Environmental window total (EUR million) * Approved support from NDEP Fund
|| | Johnny Åkerholm NDEP PRIORITY PROJECTS 2. Nuclear window Estimated project cost (EUR million) Strategic Master Plan * 7 Urgent Projects Gremikha Bay * 7 Monitoring System Murmansk * 5 Lepse (storage ship)30 Decommissioning of Building 5 Andreyeva Bay30 Nikolsky Mouth Railway Bridge 10 _______________________________________________________________________________ Nuclear window total (EUR million) 89 * Approved support from NDEP Fund
THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION Viktoras Meizis Tallinn, 9th June 2006
17/01/2006 Reykjavik NDPHS Mr. Viktoras Meižis, Lithuania Chairman of the Committee of Senior Representatives Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-Being
17/01/2006 Reykjavik The Structure of presentation Why Partnership? NDPHS history NDPHS goal and priorities NDPHS structure Results of the recent PAC and the work programme Recent and Current activities Prospects for the future
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Alcohol consumption (Sourse:WHO/Europe, European HFA Database, Jan.2006)
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Alcohol related causes (Sourse:WHO/Europe, European HFA Database, Jan.2006)
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Health Status in Northeast Europe High HIV/AIDS incidence rate Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs Deteriorating health of adolescents and youth
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Why Partnership?
17/01/2006 Reykjavik NDPHS, 21 Partners (incl. Assoc. Partners) COUNTRIES (13): Canada Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Iceland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russian Federation Sweden ORGANISATIONS (8): WHO EUC ILO IOM UNAIDS CBSS NCM BEAC
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Key events related to NDPHS The Declaration concerning the establishment of the NDPHS was signed on 27 Oct in Oslo, Norway. Sweden was elected as the Chair 5 th Baltic States Summit (June 2004, Laulasmaa, Estonia) Northern Dimension Ministerial meeting (November 2005, Brussels, Belgium) 6 th Baltic Sea States Summit (7-8 June 2006, Reykjavik, Iceland) Incoming EU presidency of Finland
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Goal of the NDPHS To promote sustainable development in the Northern Dimension area through improving human health and social well-being by means of: intensified co-operation enhanced co-ordination
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Priorities of the Partnership Reduction of the major communicable diseases and prevention of lifestyle related non-communicable diseases Enhancement and promotion of healthy and socially rewarding lifestyles
17/01/2006 Reykjavik NDPHS Structure Partnership Annual Conference (PAC) Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) Partnership Secretariat Expert groups (HIV/AIDS, PHC, PH, SIHLWA)
17/01/2006 Reykjavik New Contributions after PAC ( Stockholm, Sweden on 18/11/2005) Finland – support for HIV/AIDS Expert Group (EG) Sweden – support for Primary Health Care EG Norway– support for Prison Health EG Lithuania and Finland – support for Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability (SIHLWA) EG Nordic Council of Ministers - secondment of one person to the NDPHS Secretariat) Portugal – expert contribution to the work on HIV/AIDS Italy – cooperation for the exchanging of best practises between the North and the South of Europe
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Partnership Work Programme for The fight against HIV/AIDS is of major importance and will be a core activity promoted by the NDPHS in all priority areas as specified in the Oslo Declaration The expert groups will be invited to develop programmes concerning their fields of activities Creation of a project megadatabase The Partnership will support national/federal, regional and local programmes and projects aiming at the systematic reform of and the strengthening of societal structures
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Ambitions of Lithuania as the Chair Partners’ Political and Financial Commitments Actively working NDPHS Secretariat Strong Professional Network of Experts groups Well-functioning co-ordinating Database
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Recent and current activities CSR meeting, St.Petersburg, Russia, April 2006 Two new applications for EU funding (PH programme) Issue identification and activity planning (short- and long-term) for expert groups CSR meeting (October 2006, Paris)
17/01/2006 Reykjavik HIV/AIDS Case Management (CM) and Secondary Prevention The project involves NDPHS HIV/AIDS EG and 13 associated partners from 7 EU countries: College of General Practitioners of Lithuania ESTHER (France) Finnish AIDS Council Infectology Center of Latvia Klaipeda Mental Health Center (Lithuania) Maria Addiction Centre (Sweden) National AIDS Center (Poland) National Institute for Health Development (Estonia) National Public Health Institute (Finland) United Nations Development Programme (Lithuania) Vilnius Center for Addictive Disorders (Lithuania) Project budget EUR
17/01/2006 Reykjavik NDPHS Database Project (1) “Ready at hand” information (projects, epidemiological data, organization in place, experts, investments, etc.) Thematic reports (policy papers, recommendations, best practices, fact sheets) Networks of stakeholders New joint projects via project pipeline
17/01/2006 Reykjavik NDPHS Database Project (2) The project involves: ALL national ministries of partner countries ALL Partner organisations Project will be co-funded by: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Nordic Council of Ministers Project budget EUR
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Expert Groups (EG) activities: Successfull activities of the EG on HIV/AIDS Starting activities of “Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability” (SIHLWA) Activation of the Primary care and Prison health EG
17/01/2006 Reykjavik EG SIHLWA Established in 2005 SIHLWA consists of 3 sub-groups: Alcohol (periodic/ “binge” drinking) Prevention Adolescent health and socially- rewarding lifestyles Workplace health and safety
17/01/2006 Reykjavik EG SIHLWA activities in 2006: To bring together key stakeholders To analyse the magnitude of the problem and identify the priority areas for action To evaluate what is already in place, strengths and weaknesses, and identify current gaps To develop an alliance for advocacy and action on non-communicable diseases
17/01/2006 Reykjavik Prospects for the future To act as an umbrella and a clearing house To introduce result-based management of the NDPHS Co-ordination on CSR level, co-operation on Expert group level To improve the commitment of each partner To investigate more all the accessible global resource in health and social area To improve co-ordination in the region while working in Public Health and Social Well-being
17/01/2006 Reykjavik THANK YOU
THE RENEWED NORTHERN DIMENSION Zaza Tsereteli Tallinn, 9th June 2006
How to tackle HIV/AIDS in the Northern Dimension Area Dr.Zaza Tsereteli International Technical Adviser for HIV/AIDS.NDPHS
HIV remains a major public health problem in Europe Continued, high-level HIV transmission new infections/year in Western Europe; in Eastern Europe Increasing number of persons living with HIV in Western Europe 1.6 million in Eastern Europe High proportion of HIV-infected persons not aware of their infection >25% in Western Europe; much higher in Eastern Europe
* Countries with data available for the whole period: Belgium,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, UK. † Countries excluded (data not available for the whole period: Ireland, Poland, Slovenia) HIV infections newly diagnosed by transmission group, , EU* Source: EuroHIV Update at 31 December Year of report Cases MSM IDU Persons infected heterosexually (HC) Risk not reported HC from country with generalised epidemic
HIV tendencies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Working programme: Subtitles: 1. Surveillance 2. General awareness, policy development 3. Development of legislation 4. Prevention 5. Treatment, care and support
Main Objectives Legislation should not prevent effective, evidence based prevention. National policies should promote involvement of the entire society, including NGO. Prevention measures should be evidence-based, targeted and reach the desired population groups Access to "lege-artis" treatment should be available to all infected in an undiscriminating way
List of projects being implemented or under consideration “Prevention of HIV infection among young people through advocacy, support, development of policies and actions in Murmansk region”. Coordination: Norway. Project proposal. Approximate budget: NOK Development of Low-Threshold-Center activities in the region. Coordination: Latvia. Approximate budget 1.3 ME. Financers: EU, National governments Danish Church Aid on resource building among NGO’s. Project proposal under development. Budget 4 ME. Financers: Danish sources, others (undefined) "The ConTact Bus- Murmansk Region". Coordination: Norway. Approximate Budget USD "Decreasing stigmatization of HIV-positive prisoners-Arkhangelsk region" Coordination: Norway. Approximate Budget NOK "Palliative care to People living with HIV/AIDS in St.Petersburg" Coordination: Norway. Approximate budget NOK "Youth education Program - HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse - Murmansk region" Coordination: Norway. Approximate budget - NOK
List of projects being implemented or under consideration “Barents HIV/AIDS Program. Planning and Preparation of Multinational Programme on Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Barents Region” & “Support to EG on HIV/AIDS for the ND partnership” Coordination: Finland. Approximate budget EURO (3 years). Financer. Finnish Government. Development of Low Threshold Support Centre in Murmansk region. Coordination: Finland. Approximate budget EURO (3 years). Financer: Finland “Workshop of workers in LTC sites for IDUs”. Coordination: Finland. Approximate budget EURO. Financer: Finland “Territory of Life. Mobile unit work for prevention of HIV in Murmansk Region” Coordination: Norway. Approximate budget – NOK. Financer: Norway “Cross action between STI Clinic in Archangelsk and Olafia Clinic in Oslo”. Coordination: Norway. Approximate budget: NOK. Financer: Norway “Preventing HIV by increasing diagnostic impact in NW Russia, HIV serology, HIV RNA viral load and CD4/CD8. Archangelsk” Coordination: Norway. Project proposal