Senior Portfolio Review School Year
Your Portfolio Folder Do you know where it is? Remember, to keep your folder in a safe place at home and keep copies of all of Reflection Windows, Best Works, Community Service Prior Approvals, and Summative Letters. You will need all of this info for your final Portfolio
Senior Portfolio “Class” All students are enrolled in a Portfolio class 2013,, 2014, 2015 or 2016" (depending on your graduation year) will appear on your schedule and transcript. "Pass/No Pass" grade in your Portfolio Class will be based on 100% submission of your Reflection Windows. (Separate grade each semester)
Turning in your Best Works All students will upload their Best Works reflection window to their Portfolio assignment drop box. Be sure to upload your Reflection Window to the correct assignment drop box. (ie. Upload your first Reflection Window to Reflection Window #1).
Due Dates Reflection windows must be submitted by 11:59 PM on the due date. Late Reflection Windows will not be accepted. You can turn in your Reflection Window early If you do not have Microsoft Office PLEASE save your R.W. as and RTF document (rich text format)
Uploading Reflection Windows Log onto Schoolloop Find the Senior Portfolio Assignment posted on your assignment calendar Click on the Assignment link
Uploading Reflection Windows Click on the Drop box link
Uploading Reflection Windows Browse to the file you want to upload Click the "submit' button WAIT until you see the "success" message
Reflection Window Due Dates 10th & 11th Grade- – October 11,2012 – November 29, 2012 – January 24, 2013 – February 28, 2013 These will all be posted on your schoolloop assignment calendar.
Other Portfolio Assignments & Due Dates Community Service 20 hours Due May 2nd
Summative Letter Grades 9-11 March 18 th – 22 nd. Print out cover sheet, turn in during lunch in the cafeteria.
Computer Lab Times **If you do not have access to a computer or the internet at home or need assistance with uploading, here are the computer lab times: Computer Lab Times Library- Mon.- Wed & Fri: last 25 min. of both lunches Career Center-Mon.-Fri: open during both lunches HG1 Computer Lab-open before school and during both lunches during the weeks that Reflection Windows are due
Need Help? All information and documents related to the Senior Portfolio (for your grade level) can be found listed under the Senior Portfolio Tab on the school’s homepage
Who do I talk to if I have questions? Community Service- Advocacy Teacher or Mrs. Keplinger (VP’s Office) Senior Portfolio-Mrs. Keplinger Computer/Uploading questions – Ms. Weiss “Portfolio Class”- Mrs. Keplinger or Mrs. Weiss (HG5)