Mystery guests and supervision Dr. Corry Ketelaars Dr Samantha Adams Epso Brussels 2013
Introduction - IGZ contracted MG in Reason: social, political pressure: unannounced visits, daily practice, surprise - 38 MG visits nursing homes - Evaluation by iBMG - Purpose: Insight experiences with MG Quality, feasibility information MG for supervision Epso Brussels 2013
Research Questions and Methods Research Questions What are different actors’ expectations with respect to using Mystery Guests as an instrument for supervision of nursing home care? What are the experiences of using Mystery Guests in supervision (both in the healthcare sector and other sectors)? What are the (pre-)conditions for further using Mystery Guests in healthcare-related supervision in the future? Methods Literature and Web study Document analysis including comparison between reports Interviews (n=22)
Results (1/2) Expectations 1. Mystery Guests potentially have a better view of daily practice and better represent the patient perspective. 2. By signaling potential risks, Mystery Guests enable more efficient conduct of supervision – targeted visits. 3. De IGZ will be seen as more effective. 4. There is a need to “own” the approach. Experiences 1. A number of practical issues stand in the way of a ‘better view’. Limited access, legal considerations, healthcare different than other sectors 2. Signals are indeed present, but often too implicit in current form of reporting. Narrative style, focus on ‘softer’ aspects of care, some information incomplete /incorrect 3. Not immediately evident during evaluation 4. Inspectors saw potential but did not yet incorporate information into supervision activities
Results (2/2) Inspectors recognize need for “fresh look” and have own methods for trying to get closer to practice Interest in using Mystery Guest information, under the condition that: The format fits current IGZ formats Standardized language The information is easily accessible as part of information gathering routine The Mystery Guests are given more training/structure ahead of time
To be continued March 2013: Political debate health supervision in House of Parliament Minister asks the DHI to continue MG visits MG trained to support supervision detecting risk factors After one year evaluation MG’s Furthermore: All inspection visits unannounced unless…. Surprise elements in announced visits Epso Brussels 2013