Chicago Grows in the Industrial Revolution
Limited Trade at First At first people could only trade with others using the rivers and Lake Michigan.
Canals and Railroads Canals were built that connected the Great Lakes. These canals made it so ships could travel farther than just Lake Michigan. Railroads were built across land areas. The railroad made it so trade was not limited just to waterways.
Machines and Factories Machines were invented that made work faster and easier. Instead of doing everything slowly by hand, people started using machines in factories The reaper was invented by Cyrus H. McCormick. This was a machine that helped farmers harvest their crops faster.
A Dirty, Crowded City Smoky trains and factories made the city dirty. There were a lot of jobs at the Chicago factories. People from many other places (Irish Catholics, African Americans from the South, Germans, Russians, Italians, Greeks, etc.) came to work in Chicago’s factories Factory workers were often treated unfairly and not paid very much.
A City Growing Too Quickly The population of Chicago kept growing. There were not enough police officers for so many people. Fire departments did not have good equipment. Garbage was just dumped in the streets. Sewage was dumped in the Chicago River.