Today’s Schedule Course introduction Warm-up & classmate introductions Language learning tips Grammar: Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous Closing speaking activity
Important Notes: Parking permits are not for sale at the ELP tonight. You can purchase them at Parking Services near the I-295 entrance to UNF – they are open until 8:00 pm every evening - $55 You can purchase a daily permit for $5
Course Syllabus Important things to do: Make sure you take the syllabus home and read it carefully! Fill out the Student Information Sheet
Warm-up: Have You Ever…? Let’s speak some English! 1. Stand up – you may not sit down until I call time 2. Walk around and ask different classmates questions. Please do not ask the same person more than 2 questions! 3. Choose your answer carefully – there are three ways to say “no”, but they have different meanings! 4. Ask a follow-up question to find out more about your classmate.
Partner Introductions Take a couple of minutes to get to know the person sitting next to you. Ask them questions to figure out the answers for this information: Their name and country Their favorite food Length of time in the United States so far Something that makes them very happy Now, tell the class about your partner! You don’t have to stand up
Language Learning Tips Fill out the chart on language learning tips at the top of p. 14. What other tips could you add to each category? Compare with a partner and share your other ideas. Answer the question in Part B: What’s your number one language learning goal? Which tips will you use to reach your goal?
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past We can use present perfect and simple past to talk about finished actions, but: simple past specific, finished past time present perfect non-specific, unfinished time until present Present PerfectSimple Past I have lived here for 2 months.I lived in New York for 2 years. We have taken 3 tests so far this semester. We took one test yesterday. She’s had 3 cups of coffee this morning. She had 3 cups of coffee this morning. (Imagine: it’s 10:00 am – still morning!) (Imagine: it’s 2:00 pm)
A Note In most cases, it is okay to use both present perfect or present perfect progressive! We use progressive to emphasize: A short period of time that will end soon An action that is actually continuing every second Present perfect progressive is commonly used in speaking for these reasons!
Be Careful! Do NOT use present perfect progressive with stative (non-action) verbs! X I have been having a headache for an hour. (verb: to have) I have had a headache for an hour. X You have been being happy all morning. (verb: to be) You have been happy all morning
Present Perfect Progressive Question: How long + Have/has + subject + been + -ing? How long have you been studying this evening? Answer: I’ve been studying for one hour// since 6:30 pm. Compare: I have been reading this book for 1 week. I have read 5 books so far this semester. It has been raining all afternoon! It has rained many days this year.. What is different about present perfect vs. present perfect progressive?
Let’s practice some basics Complete exercise A on the top of p. 15. Follow the example to answer exercise B with a partner.
Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect Some verbs have the same meaning: I have been teaching English for 5 years. I have taught English for 5 years. You have been working as an engineer since You have worked as an engineer since We have lived here for many years. We have been living here for many years.
Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect But, if you change the amount of time or the time & context, these verbs have a slightly different meaning: I have been teaching English this evening for 1 hour. I have taught English for 5 years. You have been working on this project for several days. You have worked as an engineer since We have lived here for many years. We have been living here for many years, but we may want to change our location.
Present Perfect Progressive Use present perfect progressive with for and since to talk about how long you have been doing an action. **This is usually an action is temporary, or that will finish soon: My brother has been sleeping for 8 hours. (You will wake up soon.) We have been studying since 8:00. (You will stop soon.) They have been talking all day. (They have to take a break!) The baby has been crying all night. (She can’t cry forever) He has been running for 2 hours. (His run will stop soon).
Compare: Temporary Action: Use –ing!Continuous Repeated Actions I have been waking up early every morning this semester so I don’t miss this bus! I have woken up at the same time every morning for the last 10 years. We have been studying in the library for 2 hours. We have studied English for many years. She has been running for only 30 minutes so far. She has run in marathons for her entire life.
Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect Do NOT use present perfect progressive when you talk about number of times or actions I have seen this movie 5 times. X I have been seeing this movie 5 times. X We have been taking 3 tests this semester. We have taken 3 tests this semester.
Common Questions in PP Progressive How long have you been studying? How long have you been reading? How long have you been waiting? How long has it been raining? What have you been doing lately? This question refers to recent habits, not completed events. Lately, I’ve been reading some good books and going to the gym every morning before work. x Lately, I’ve been going on vacation and getting a promotion at work. I went on vacation last month and got a promotion at work. *
Do you agree or disagree with these proverbs? FOUR-MINUTE ARGUMENTS
Agree or Disagree? Children should be seen and not heard.
Agree or Disagree? Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Agree or Disagree? Money is the root of all evil.
Agree or Disagree? Honesty is the best policy.
Today’s Schedule Continue Present Perfect Progressive Pronunciation: Unreleased final consonant sounds Communication vocabulary & reading Grammar: verb + object + verb