Lesson 7 Skills Practice 1.Login to Connected 2.Click Menu in the top left corner 3.Click Homework 4.In the Due Later section, click on the practice worksheet 5.Print the worksheet Lesson 7 Skills Practice 6.Use your Ebook to review the examples and key concept 7.Complete the worksheet and turn it in The Skills Practice online worksheet provides students with additional practice in the skills taught in this lesson. This task uses: Student Laptop Printer Learning Objective(s): Students will review graphing ordered pairs on the coordinate plane. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Journaling 1.Log into Blackboard 2.Click on Mrs. Perkins’ course 3.Find the Journal tab and click on it 4.Click on the Journal entry “Ordered Pairs” 5.Click create entry and follow the directions 6.When you are finished answering your prompt look over your work before submitting it. 7.Click submit entry when completed You will examine two ordered pairs that only differ by sign and create a journal entry in Blackboard explaining their locations on the coordinate plane. This task uses: Student Laptops Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The student will reflect on the meaning of a sign in an ordered pair. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Math Trail 1.Tap on the app on the iPad. 2.Scan the QR code you were given with the iPad 3.Follow the instructions that appears on the screen. 4.Record your answers on the paper provided. The student will scan QR codes with an iPad, which will reveal an order pair. The student will reflect that point across the given axis and find the card with that point. The student will continue on the Math Trail until all cards are answered. This task uses: iPad I-nigma Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize reflected points across the x- axis and y-axis. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
Treasure Map 1.Login to Connected 2.Click on Virtual Manipulative 3.Select the Workmat called coordinate grid 4.Draw a location on your map with a dot for the point in each quadrant of the grid 5.When your map is created you will click print screen and print your map 6.Open a word document and type the directions for your treasure hunt 7.You must send your partner to all the locations on your map before they can reach your loot 8.When you finish typing your directions go back and make it more difficult by reflecting your points across an axis. Don’t forget to edit your ordered pairs and specifically tell them which axis to reflect over. 9.Save your word document in Documents 10.Go to my blackboard and create a thread in the Pirate Discussion Board 11.Attach your Directions to your Loot 12.Find your partners thread and with their map and try to find their loot 13.Comment on your partners thread telling them about your ability to find their treasure 14.Place a X on the map where you found their treasure and turn it in Students will create a treasure map and directions for a peer to find the hidden loot. Then students will collaborate through a discussion board on the success of the mission. This task uses: Student laptop Printer Blackboard Microsoft Word Learning Objective(s): The student will create directions using order pairs and their reflections. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Students will create a treasure map and directions for a peer to find the hidden loot. Then students will collaborate through a discussion board on the success of the mission. The student will create directions using order pairs and their reflections. Student laptop Printer Blackboard Microsoft Word The student will scan QR codes with an I Pad which will reveal an order pair. The student will reflect that point across the given axis and find the card with that point. The student will continue on the Math Trail until all cards are answered. The student will recognize reflected points across the x-axis and y-axis. I Pad, I-nigma Students will examine two ordered pairs that only differ by sign and create a journal entry in Blackboard explaining their locations on the coordinate plane. The student will reflect on the meaning of a sign in an ordered pair. Student Laptops Blackboard The Skills Practice online worksheet provides students with additional practice in the skills taught in this lesson. Students will review graphing ordered pairs on the coordinate plane. Student Laptop Printer Louisiana Math Standard (include description): 6. NS. C. 6b Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes. Teacher: Misti Perkins MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement