Map Making Directions Land Forms Latitude & Longitude TODALS Types of Maps
Map Making Directions-100 This color is only used to color water. What is blue? BACK
Map Making Directions -200 This is the only color ink you can use when labeling a map What is black? BACK
Map Making Directions -300 This is how countries and continents should be labeled. What is in ALL CAPITAL letters? BACK
Map Making Directions -400 This is the abbreviation for river. What ‘R.’? BACK
Map Making Directions -500 These are the only three things you can abbreviate on a map. What are rivers, mountains, and mounts? BACK
Land Forms-100 A body of land that is almost completely surrounded by water on three sides. What is a peninsula? BACK
Land Forms-200 Soil deposited at the mouth of a river that forms a triangular shape. What is a delta? BACK
Land Forms-300 A large area of flat, grassy land. What is a plain? BACK
Land Forms-400 A body of water that starts in the highlands and flows out to the sea. What is a river? BACK
Land Forms-500 An elevated body of land that is broad and flat on top. What is a plateau? BACK
Latitude & Longitude-100 A line that runs parallel to the Equator. What is a line of latitude? BACK
Latitude & Longitude-200 An imaginary line that is halfway between the North and South Poles. What is the Equator? BACK
Latitude & Longitude-300 The line of longitude that is at 0°. What is the Prime Meridian? BACK
Latitude & Longitude-400 An imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. What is the Prime Meridian? BACK
Latitude & Longitude-500 These lines run parallel to the Equator. What are lines of latitude? BACK
TODALS-100 This shows what the map is about. What is the title? BACK
TODALS-200 This refers to the compass rose. What is the orientation? BACK
TODALS-300 This is the person who made the map. What is the author? BACK
TODALS-400 This shows when the map was made. What is the date? BACK
TODALS-500 This helps you find the distance between two points. What is the scale? BACK
Types of Maps-100 This type of map shows country boundaries. What is a political map? BACK
Types of Maps -200 This type of map shows natural features like mountains and rivers. What is a physical map? BACK
Types of Maps -300 This type of map has a very special purpose. What is a thematic map? BACK
Types of Maps -400 This type of map shows cities. What is a political map? BACK
Types of Maps -500 A population map is an example of this type of map. What is a thematic map? BACK