Stunning Seminars Part 1
5 Steps to Freedom in Business
My Purpose is to Help You… Increase Your Profitability Build an Amazing Team Free Up Your Time
My Purpose is to Help You… Increase the value of your business by investing in the business education and coaching resources that are right for YOU...
FSBI brands dominate the business coaching franchise market… Pioneers of business coaching with over 24 years of proven experience… Exclusive strategic partnership… FSBI 33% #1 In Business Coaching
Our Proprietary Process The Entrepreneur’s Source is a ‘One Stop, One Source Resource’ for Entrepreneur’s and for those who dream of becoming one!
About Eric Dombach… Most accomplished business coach in North America with coaching firm achieving 140% growth over 5 years and selling for 800% ROI… International Franchise Association Franchisee of the Year in 2005… Husband and father of four amazing kids!
The United States has over 7.2 million pay-rolled businesses. 98% have under 100 employees. Entrepreneurship is Thriving…
The Five Business Dangers
Out of every 100 independently owned small businesses, 90% will fail within ten years because: Source: SCORE - Counselors to America’s Small Business – 78% lack a solid business plan – 73% are being overly optimistic about sales – 77% are not pricing their products or services properly – 70% don’t recognize or ignore their weaknesses and don’t seek help The Plight of Entrepreneurs…
Business Coaches Reverse This Trend! A business coach mentors entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, so the incremental cash flow more than pays for their customized education…
Can I Be Your Coach for the Next Hour? Raise your hand if you’re open to being coached over the next hour…
How Do You React To Challenges?
The Key to Learning… Anxiety Fear Skill Confidence TIME AHA ZONE
The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
At Your Tables, With Your Coach…
Our Rapid Impact Strategies Time 1.Apprenticeship Plan 2.Operations & Training Manual 3.Time Management Plan 4.Comprehensive Exit Strategy Team 1.Employee Acquisition Plan 2.Psychometric Profiling Process 3.Key Performance Indicators Measurement System 4.Lean Manufacturing Program 5.Performance Incentive Plan 6.Strategic Plan 7.Leadership Development Plan 8.Team Meeting Rhythm 9.Organizational Plan 10.Team Building System Money 1.Current Business Plan 2.Break-even Plan 3.Revenue and Profit Budget 4.Cash Gap Plan 5.Unique Selling Proposition & Guarantee 6.Sales Management System 7.Tactical Marketing Plan
Current Business Plan Business plan to forecast your cash-flow, determine your working capital requirements, and calculate your ability to pay back debt and make a profit for investors. USP and Guarantee Unique Selling Proposition and a Guarantee so that your ideal clients/customers feel compelled to do business with YOU instead of your competitors because you're different than all the rest. Break-Even Plan Plan to cut costs just enough to stop the bleeding while also driving sales to cover your salary and a minimum number of expenses and start paying back debt. The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
We’ll Help You Differentiate Yourself…
USP & Guarantee (UG) $14,400 in 1.5 months!
A.I.D.A. Formula
We’ll Help You Refine Your Financial Model…
Revenue and Profit Budget Month by month budget to plan the amount of sales you need to hit to cover both your salary and a minimum number of expenses so you start making a healthy profit. Sales Management System High performance sales force by scripting their approach, coordinating their activity with the right CRM (customer relationship management) software solution, measuring their activity, and tying their results to their paycheck. Tactical Marketing Plan Aggressive, measurable marketing plan to increase your leads, improve your sales closing ratio, increase your average spend per transaction, and increase the transactions you get per customer every year so your profits increase exponentially. Team Building System System for understanding personality differences and how to improve communication by understanding the psychological profile of your team members. The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
We’ll Help You Develop An Aggressive Marketing Plan… Leads Generated x Conversion Rate = New Customers + Retained Customers = Customers x Revenue/Customer = Revenue x Gross Margin = Gross Profit - Fixed Costs = Net Profit 550 x 22% = = 371 X $550 = $204,050 X 62% = $125,695 - $45,000 = $80,695! 500 x 20% = = 350 X $500 = $175,000 X 56% = $98,000 - $50,000 = $48,000
We’ll Help You Develop a Winning Sales Team…
We’ll Help Your Team Communicate Effectively…
Employee Acquisition Plan Plan to consistently generate more than enough leads on high quality employees by deploying multiple recruitment strategies to market for employees in unusual ways. Psychometric Profiling Process Selection process where you use psychometric profiling tools and a test-drive process to screen out non-performers before they join your team and make sure you're getting people that will deliver results. KPI System Key Performance Indicator system that measures and reports the key activities in the business so everyone knows how their efforts are either making or breaking the business. Performance Incentive Plan Incentive package for your team members that motivates them to work as hard in the business as you do and care about it like it was their own. Cash Gap Plan Plan to quickly collect outstanding receivables, get your customers to pay on time, and improve your terms with vendors so that your bank account always has plenty of cash in it. The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
We’ll Benchmark You Against Your Competitors…
We’ll Help You Manage Your Cash… Inventory Arrives Inventory Shipped Days Inventory ReceivablesPayables The Cash Gap Cash Paid Cash Received
Most employees are motivated, energetic, committed, enthusiastic and loyal … Except for the 8 hours they work for you! Tom Peters, Author /Speaker The Motivation Problem…
“Hiring is a like fishing. The firms that get the best people are the ones that get a lot of fish on the deck so they can be choosy.” - Eric Dombach The Secret That Hiring Pros Know…
We’ll Cut Your Mis-hire Rate by Job Matching…
We’ll Help You Bench Mark Your Positions…
We’ll Help You Choose and Measure the Right KPI’s… 1.Manufacturer Units produced per hour Gross profit per unit sold Product returns 2.Retailer/Wholesaler Inventory turns Average transaction value 3.Professional Services Billable hours per employee/partner Average hourly rate
Operations and Training Manual "How-to" manual that describes in great detail everything that a person needs to know about how to do their job effectively and takes them through a focused training process. Time Management Plan Default calendar where you've got the most important things blocked into your calendar as an appointment with yourself that you always keep and then hold you accountable to do it. Lean Manufacturing Program Process that originated in Japanese auto assembly plants, but works for any business by rallying your team around a commitment to eliminate wasted time, movement, and materials to dramatically improve efficiencies and cut production costs, allowing you to compete more effectively. Strategic Plan Strategic plan that clarifies the vision, mission, and values of the team as well as the long and short-range goals so everyone's on the same page and pulling together. Team Meeting Rhythm Rhythm of regularly scheduled team meetings for goal-setting, reporting, and accountability that take place on a daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual basis. Organizational Plan Work flow system, organizational chart, and job descriptions so the whole team knows what to do to keep the work moving smoothly through the business. The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
We’ll Help You Identify and Eliminate Waste… 1.Over-Production 2.Inventory 3.Waiting 4.Defects 5.Motion 6.Transportation 7.Processing R&D Marketing Sales Purchasing Manufacturing Delivery/ Distribution Collections
We’ll Help You Free Up Your Time… CMO, VP of Sales & Marketing Marketing Advertising Sales R&D COO, VP of Operations Manufacturing Distribution Customer Service CFO, VP of Finance CEO, President Bookkeeping Reporting/Forecasting Human Resources Shareholders Directors Members
We’ll Help You Apprentice Your Leaders… Do HelpWatch HelpDo
Apprenticeship Plan Plan to identify the low-value tasks that you don't like doing anyway and train team members to do them for you so you can focus on the things that make you money. Comprehensive Exit Strategy Plan to identify the current value of the business, quickly enhance the value, develop a marketing plan to identify either internal or external prospective buyers, and get the best price for the business. Leadership Development Plan Plan to identify and intentionally develop emerging managers and leaders, incentivize their long-term commitment with a profit-sharing plan and lay the ground work for your eventual succession. The 5 Steps to Business Freedom
We’ll Help You Identify Constraints… 1.Bullet Proof: Over-Confidence 2.Ostriches: Low Self-Confidence 3.Marshmallow: Overly Nurturing 4.Critics: Too Critical, Harsh 5.Icebergs: Low Nurturing 6.Flat-liners: Low Passion, Drive 7.Bulldozers: Too Dominant 8.Turtles: Resistant to Change 9.Volcanoes: Aggressive, Angry 10.Quick Draw: Low Self-Control, Impulsive
We’ll Help You Develop Your Leaders… 1. Interpersonal skills 2. Self-management skills 3. Personal accountability 4. Influencing others 5. Goal achievement
At Your Tables, With Your Coach…
Which RIS Do You Need the Most?
Every winner has a great coach…
Two ways you can go… Keep trying to improve your business on your own… Do what every winner does: invest in their own education with the help of a coach…
Three Levels of Participation… One-on-One Coaching… E-Myth Embark and Essentials… Complimentary Coaching session…
Here’s what we’ll do…
At Your Tables, With Your Coach…
Levels of Participation… One-on-One Coaching… E-Myth Embark and Essentials… Complimentary Coaching session…