EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST Catania Site Report 1 half Marco Pappalardo INFN Catania JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November Contents New ListJobMatch development. Web Services based Network Server. Development Machine and Prototype installation. Various support activities.
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November New ListJobMatch command Finished with Development. Created a named-Pipe-Wrapper for our internal use. Naming rule : _ There also is a solution for getting rid from blocking pipe R open. This will be enabled as soon as the basic functionality are tested. Agreement with WM (giaco) for communication protocol. (Initial, to be checked) [ version = "1.0.0"; command = "match"; arguments = [ ad=[ // the jdl ] file=\".....\" //absolute named pipe pathname ] Agreement with UI (peppe && pacio) on initially maitaining old listjobmatch feature to be user for new code verification. New command signature: bool NSClient::listJobMatchEx(const string& jdl, vector & l)
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November Cannolo named-Pipe Cannolo is our named-Pipe Container. /* * Cannolo is a tipical Sicilian cake made by a crunchy tube of * pastry filled with ricotta and studded with candied fruits, * bits of chocolate, and the inevitable pistachios. * This makes it really similar to a pipe full of interesting * pieces of info, you are so hungry to bite. * That was enough to wake up my imagination and appetite. */ class Cannolo { /* The named pipe file descriptor. */ int pipefd; A fake server Ricotta fills Cannolo waiting for WM new code development. Cannolo filling tests written: it _DOES_ work.
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November Report Web Services based Network Server WMPManager built. AFA concerns new architectural design, objects are written and compiled. Code _WILL NOT_ build [or at least _WILL_SEG_FAULT_] until all refences to GSISockets objects in Command, CommandFactories and satellite classes are removed. Tests. Execution reaches new Architecture WMPManager from gSoap server and tries to dispatch commands to converted Managers and Dispatchers. Obviously NS seg-faults or dies due to null sockets, wrong client-server and vice-versa command serialization or empty references to old objects. Status: New Code Development: %. Old code stripping: 30%. Tests: 10%.
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November Dvlpmnt Machine & Prototype installation. Prototype installation for GILDA internal use. Development machine for Web Service NS development. As agreed in the past with David Smith, actually maintaining: LCG CVS checkout Both me and David hope to release a cumulative patch for lcg bugs still pending (affecting the same code portion).
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November Various support activities Several support SOS requests are arriving from several directions: LCG (well known), bug #5269 Huge Effort to Log “Aborted” insted of “Purged”. noticed: 1. Too Large “Reduced Part” for job repository permission. Fixed. 2. Purger cron-job is not working properly on machines. What to do? Should we provide support or not? GILDA probably discovered an authorization problem. Some users accounts seem being never authorized. This error appeared rarely in the past and could not be reproduced. Now it seems that it involves a large set of accounts and is quite reproducible. Must investigate. We’ll eventually submit a bug to ourselves in savannah.
JRA1 ITCZ Cluster Meeting, Turin, November FYI – Another Request [… omitted… ] I would like to be able to make a connection between jobID I get during the submission of a grid job and a job name and/or its ID in the local batch system. This may be divided into two independent requests: 1. To enable an option in jdl file with a job name for the local batch system.Enabling this should not be too complicated. 2. To enable identify grid job from the local batch system. Typical use case is that the local sysadmin wants to contact job owner and send him some information about given job (eg. that it was killed :-) What about that? [… omitted …] --