April 14, 2015 Welcome! The April local webinar will begin in a few moments. –Event password: CIMS2015 –Event number: To hear the presentation you must join the conference call. To join: –Dial –Enter Access Code Note: Phones are currently on mute This presentation will be recorded and available for download at To communicate with the presenters during the presentation, please use the “Chat Box” feature.
April Workbook Overview for Part B Locals April Workbook Overview for Part B Locals Office of Special Education Monitoring and Technical Assistance Team April 14, :00 PM
April 14, 2015 Meet the CIMS Team! 3 Office of Special Education (OSE) –Jessica Brady, Supervisor –Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator –Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant –Charles Thomas, Consultant –Shawan Dortch, Consultant –Sharon Fink, Departmental Analyst Public Sector Consultants –Lynne Clark and Sarah Greer
April 14, Agenda April 2015 Workbook Monitoring review and preview CIMS refresher Resources Upcoming dates Questions?
April 14, Wondering About the Part C Workbook? The Part C webinar was pre-recorded and is available on the EOT&TA website ( Please contact the Part C (EOT&TA) Help Desk with any questions! –(866)
April 14, 2015 April Workbook 6
April 14, Monitoring Priorities for April
April 14, April Workbook Overview Strand Report Monitoring Activities Report (MAR) FM Reports of Findings or No Findings & FM CAPs Closeout and Non-closeout Reports Monitoring notification letters Data alert letters Data collection activity for B-13
April 14, Strand Report Summarizes your local’s performance on State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators Updates include: –New data for many indicators (B-1, B-2, B-4A, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-8, B-14, and FM indicators) –Updated statuses for all tasks Can be accessed from your CIMS Reports Page
April 14, Strand Report Sample – Review of Data
April 14, Strand Report Sample – Review of Data (cont.)
April 14, Sample Strand Report
April 14, Strand Report Sample Review of Focused Monitoring Priorities
April 14, Strand Report Navigation Note The “Back” button in the CIMS Workbook will not take you back to the Reports page To return to the Reports page from the Strand Report: –Use the Back button in your browser –Use the Reports tab to search for your Reports page
April 14, Monitoring Activities Report (MAR) The MAR is included in every Workbook and provides important information to locals Some messages are universal and go to all locals –EEM Updates –Significant Disproportionality notice Some messages are targeted and are sent only to specific locals –Reports of Findings/No Findings message –Data Alerts –Monitoring notification –B-13 data collection notice
April 14, Sample MAR
April 14, 2015 Reports of Findings/No Findings & FM CAPs Based on Winter Monitoring activities: –B-4A/B (Suspension Expulsion) –GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) A Report of Findings results in an FM CAP (unless you completed expedited correction) –Access your CAP from your Task List or the Compliance tab –Work with your technical assistance (TA) provider to complete your CAP 17
April 14, 2015 April 2015 CAP Timeline Timeline for Corrective Action Plans (CAPs): –April 2015 CAP due June 1, 2015 (45 days) –April 2015 CAP Progress Report due October 1, 2015 –April 2015 CAP Closeout Request due December 1,
April 14, 2015 Spring FM Important Dates 19 April 15 – Workbook opens and Notification letters issued April 27 – May 15 – Spring monitoring activities occur
April 14, 2015 Focused Monitoring Notification Letters FM priorities for Spring FM: –B-5 (Educational Environments) –GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) FM notification letters will be: –Issued in the April Workbook – ed to superintendents –Posted on the CIMS Web site Spring monitoring starts April 27, Reports of Findings/ No Findings will be issued in the August Workbook 20
April 14, 2015 B-4 (Suspension/Expulsion) Data Alert Letters Some locals will receive a B-4 Data Alert letter in their April Workbook This letter serves as a warning that your suspension/expulsion data does not currently meet state targets and may lead to additional monitoring in the future 21
April 14, 2015 Data Collection: B-13 (Secondary Transition) Checklist The B-13 Checklist/data collection is available in CIMS under the Data tab Who completes this activity? –CIMS Coordinators and ISD monitors are able to view it –Transition Coordinators (TCs) and Transition Coordinator Contacts (TCCs) complete it When is it due? –June 30, 2015 –CAPs for noncompliant B-13 data will be issued in the August Workbook 22
April 14, 2015 Data Collection: B-13 Checklist (cont.) Want to know more? –View this year’s webinar online at under the Events tab for locals How do I know if my local has B-13 Checklists? –Check your MAR to look for the message –Check under the Data tab –This year 693 locals are participating 23
April 14, 2015 Focused Monitoring Review & Preview 24
April 14, 2015 Winter 2015 Focused Monitoring - By the Numbers 1 Type of monitoring activity: –On-Site Review 2 Priority areas –B-4 A and B –General Supervision Monitoring 34 locals monitored 31 locals were issued a finding –2 completed Expedited Correction (no FM CAP) –29 will be issued a FM CAP 25
April 14, 2015 Common Findings IEP Development ‒ Annual goals not measurable ‒ Do documentation of the mode and date of delivery of the notice of FAPE ‒ Lack specifics for time, frequency, or condition of supplemental aids and services ‒ Lack of consideration of positive behavior intervention supports for students whose behavior impedes their learning or that of others ‒ Lack of excusal for required IEP members who were not in attendance 26
April 14, 2015 Common Findings (cont.) IEP Implementation –Lack of provision of programs and services Lack of valid and reliable data submission 27
April 14, 2015 Common Findings (cont.) ●Discipline –The use of PBIS or other strategies to address behavior were not considered –Lack of provision of procedural safeguards –Lack of provision of educational services after the tenth day of removal –Lack of consideration of whether a series of removals constituted a pattern of behavior that results in a change of placement 28
April 14, 2015 FM CAPs Reminder Locals that participated in Winter Monitoring received a Report of Findings or No Findings in their Workbook If your local has a Report of Findings and a CAP, work with your TA provider to complete your FM CAP –TA providers can provide guidance on policy or process development –They can compare your CAP to the OSE approval rubric –They will help manage timelines and CIMS deadlines 29
April 14, 2015 Spring Focused Monitoring Notification 26 locals will be participating Focused Monitoring notification letters will be: –Issued in the April Workbook – ed to superintendents –Posted on the CIMS Web site Spring Monitoring starts April 27, and Reports of Findings/No Findings will be issued in the August Workbook 30
April 14, 2015 §§ and (a)(1)(2) State monitoring and enforcement The Office of Special Education (OSE) must review policies, procedures, and practices related to the provision of a FAPE. The State is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of IDEA are carried out and that each educational program for children with disabilities meets the State’s educational standards. GSM: Authority 31
April 14, 2015 GSM: Selection Criteria Special Circumstances –Nominations from the field or other units/departments Rotation Schedule –From a list of locals within the ISD, eliminate those being monitored in the current cycle 32
April 14, 2015 B-5: Authority § Monitoring Activities a)The SEA must carry out activities to ensure § (LRE Requirements) is implemented by each public agency. b)If there is evidence that a public agency makes placements that are inconsistent with § , the SEA must – 1)Review the public agency’s justification for its actions. 2)Assist in planning and implementing any necessary corrective action.
April 14, 2015 B-5 (Educational Environments) Results Indicator Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served: A.Inside the regular class 80 percent or more of the day; B.Inside the regular class less than 40 percent of the day; and C.In separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements. 34
April 14, 2015 B-5: Selection Criteria Locals with fewer than 48% of students with IEPs in general education ≥ 80% of the day in Exceptions: –Locals with large special programs if recalculation is above state threshold –Special programs such as alternative schools, virtual schools, or strict discipline academies Data Source: Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Special Education Count data –Fall 2014 –Data available through CEPI special education counts 35
April 14, 2015 CIMS Refresher 36
April 14, 2015 The CIMS Process 37
April 14, 2015 Open Workbook Acknowledge Reports Reports must be acknowledged by May 15, 2015 You cannot complete work in your Workbook until you have acknowledged your reports What to do? –Review Reports page – Does my local have findings? –Review Strand Report – What are our next steps? –Review MAR –Decide if you need to convene a Review and Analysis Process (RAP) Team 38
April 14, Click “Click Here” 39
April 14, Click “Acknowledge Reports”
April 14, 2015 Assemble a RAP Team If you have a finding, you need to convene a RAP Team Suggested RAP Team members include: –OSE TA provider –CIMS Coordinator –Special education administrators/general education administrators/ISD monitor –School improvement team representative –Parents –Service providers –Data experts or program specialists 41
April 14, 2015 Complete Tasks with the RAP Team Compliance –B-4B FM CAPs –B-4AB FM CAPs –B-GSM FM CAPs 42
April 14, 2015 Provide Feedback After completing tasks, provide and submit feedback, and your Workbook will be complete! 43
April 14, Resources Visit the CIMS Web site Contact your ISD monitor Call the CIMS Help Desk
April 14, 2015 CIMS Web site – 45
April 14, 2015 Sample Indicator Page 46
April 14, CIMS Web site: Probe Questions Probe Questions are available on each indicator’s page to help your RAP Team analyze your local data, policies, practices, and procedures Print a copy before your RAP Team meeting!
April 14, ISD Monitors ISD monitors are available to help locals navigate CIMS, understand monitoring activities, complete CAPs, verify corrections, and more! Don’t know who your ISD monitor is? –Visit the CIMS Web site –Click “CIMS Overview” in the “Resource Library” –Click “Who’s My ISD Monitor?”
April 14, CIMS Help Desk Need help completing a task in CIMS? Having trouble with your username and password? Contact the CIMS Help Desk –(877)
April 14, 2015 Upcoming Dates December 2014 Workbook –Progress Report due: June 1 –Request CAP closeout: September 15 April 2015 Workbook –Acknowledge reports: May 15 –Submit CAPs: June 1 –B-13 Data Collection: June 30 (completed by Transition Coordinator and Contacts) 50
April 14, Questions?Questions?
April 14, Contact Information CIMS Web site: CIMS Help Desk or (877) Office of Special Education – Jessica Brady, Supervisor, – Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator, – Shawan Dortch, Consultant, –Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, –Charles Thomas, Consultant, –Sharon Fink, Analyst,