Understanding Malaria life cycle
As infection progresses, sexual forms of the parasite (gametocycles) are released into the blood stream. When a mosquito bites, it takes up these gametocycles and the cycle of infection is perpetual placing others at risk. This repetitive cycle causes fever and depletes the body of oxygen, caring red blood cells. Additionally, infected red blood cells clog up the circulation in vital organs such as the brain and kidney. Infected red blood cells burst, infecting other blood cells This gets into the blood stream, attaches and enters red blood cells. Further reproduction occurs. The parasite starts reproducing rapidly in the liver, some parasites (from the ovale and vivax species of malaria) lie dormant in the liver, to reactivate and cause diseases often long after the initial infection. Parasite rapidly goes to the liver within 30 minutes Infected mosquito bites human
DIAGNOSIS Malaria can be diagnosed by doing a Malaria parasite blood test. This test is done for people who present with symptom of malaria. This test can be done either by looking under the microscope for the malaria parasite or by doing a Rapid test kit test, which checks for malaria antigens in the blood. The best test is microscopy.
TREATMENT Once you suspect or have symptoms of malaria please consult your Doctor for a test and treatment. Do not self medicate. Not all fevers are caused by malaria
The Federal Government policy on malaria control in Nigeria
Some amazing facts about Malaria A mosquito can fly an estimated 1 to 1.5 miles per hour Mosquitoes can dash between raindrops and even fly backwards Mosquito is the Spanish name for little fly Biting increases by a massive 500 times when there is a full moon The wings of a mosquito beat 500 times a second A mosquito can smell a crowd from 20 metres away A mosquito can detect a moving target at 18 ft away Mosquitoes fly a huge 150 miles in their lifetime The average mosquito weighs in at a tiny 2 to 2.5 milligrams Mosquitoes’ bodies are divided into three parts and they have six jointed legs. They also have scales on their wings
Animation on malaria
Malaria can be fatal; adopt the preventive methods today. Contact your doctor immediately you manifest malaria symptoms