1 Cells Chapter 7 p22 Warm up: write down 3 things you already know about cells. CellsCells are the basic units of organisms Basic types of cells: Animal CellPlant Cell Bacterial Cell
Cell Theory & Microscopes Before microscopes, people used to think diseases were caused by evil spirits. Anton van Leeuenhoek build the first simple microscope in the 1600’s. Compound light microscopes are used today and can magnify objects up to 1500 times. 2
Robert Hooke used a microscope and created the Cell Theory: 1.All organisms are made of one or more cells 2.The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms 3.All cells come from preexisting cells Divide your left page (p21) into 3 equal parts. In each box state one point of cell theory and draw a cartoon about it. 3
4 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes p24 Warm up:put in order from least complex to most complex: tissues, cells, organism, organ system, organ. Organisms may be: Unicellular – composed of one cell Multicellular- composed of many cells
5 Prokaryotes (include bacteria) lack a nucleus or organelles with membranes-videovideo Eukaryotes include most other cells & have a nucleus and membrane- bound organelles Cells May be Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
6 Prokaryotes-bacteriabacteria -Nucleoid region contains the DNA -Contain ribosomes that float freely in the cytoplasm -surrounded by a capsule and pili +Cell membrane & cell wall
7 Bacteria. Draw on the top half of p23
8 Eukaryotic Cell-videovideo - Nucleus -ribosomes are attached to a membrane -many organelles +Cell Membrane& cytoplasm On the bottom of p23, compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes using a venn diagram
Animal Cells p26 Warm up: list 3 structures that are in a prokaryotic cell videovideo 9 Plant Cell Animal Cell
10 Cell Membrane –Made of protein and lipids –Controls subtances moving in and out of cell
11 Cytoplasm –Jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane –Contains organelles to carry out specific jobs
12 Nucleus-videovideo Controls the normal activities of the cell Contains chromosomes with genetic information (DNA)
13 Endoplasmic Reticulum& Ribosomes Smooth ER lacks ribosomes & makes proteins USED In the cell Rough ER has ribosomes on its surface & makes proteins to EXPORT
14 Golgi Bodies:videovideo wrap & export proteins
15 Rod shaped Produces energy for the cell Mitochondria:
16 Near the nucleus Help cell divide
17 Lysosome: digests & gets rid of wastes
18 Different kinds of animal cells white blood cell red blood cell cheek cells sperm nerve cell muscle cell Amoeba Paramecium
19 Animal cell: label on p25 Cell membrane cytoplasm
20 Plant Cells p.28 Warm up:why are plant cells green? Cell wall-Made of cellulose Strong and rigid Found only in plant cells Cell Membrane
21 (draw in & color) Contains chlorophyll (green) Traps sunlight to make sugars (photosynthesis) Plant Cell Organelles Chloroplast
22 Storage vessel Contains sugars, proteins, minerals, wastes, & pigments Plant cells Are larger than animal cells review Plant Cell Organelles Vacuole
23 Plant Cell: label on pg 27 Nucleus Golgi ER Mitochondria Lysosome Membrane Cell wall Chloroplasts Vacuole
24 Different kinds of plant cells Onion Epidermal Cells Root Hair Cell root hair Guard Cells
25 Differences between plant cells and animal cell p27 Animal cellsPlant cells smaller in size Irregular shape No cell wall larger in size Regular shape Cell wall present No chloroplasts Chloroplasts present Vacuole small or absent Large central vacuole
26 Life inside the Cell! r-visions-the-inner-life-of-a-cell/ r-visions-the-inner-life-of-a-cell/ nerlife.html narratedhttp://multimedia.mcb.harvard.edu/anim_in nerlife.html