Stories from counseling at the University of Iceland Prague, 11th November 2008 Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir
Svan is twenty-five years old. He is studying a scientific subject. He comes to Helga who perceives him as a non-communicative type. After an exploratory interview, it appears that Svan has come because of a specific problem. He experiences acute anxiety when giving oral presentations. These are graded, so it is important to deliver the presentation successfully. Svan’s anxiety symptoms make him feel so uncomfortable that he runs through the presentations as quickly as he can and feels that they are not as good as they could be. Helga introduces Svan to a programme in anxiety management, based on cognitive behavioural therapy. Though he does not do all the written exercises, the breathing techniques, as well as other suggestions seem to help, such as using colour markers on his presentation notes to remind him to slow down and relax during the delivery.
Gunnar is a 20 year old engineering student. He moved from a small town in the North to the city of Reykjavik to start University. He was a very successful student in secondary school, in fact he didn’t have to put much effort to his studies. Instead he was able to put a lot of time into football practice. He is an excellent football player. – When he comes to the city he knows very few people, he rents a flat with friends that he sees seldom because he spends all his time studying at the University. He is under great pressure in his studies, he has a lot of mathematical reports to deliver on top of the lectures and special math classes. Now I quote Anna: “ Gunnar came to see me at least 4 or 5 times this semester (autumn 2007) and what surprised me in the first session is that he starts crying. He was under tremendous pressure. He does not have any social support from family or friends. He had just decided to reduce his football activity, something he cherished very much. Instead he has to sit and sweat over endless math assignments. He was feeling so helpless. I suggested we meet and he could let steam off and in at least three sessions he burst into tears and let go off his feelings and anxiety. It all comes together in one boiling pot, aloneness, little human contacts, being in a new and unknown environment, everything used to be ok and then all of a sudden there is this wall. He feels confused and somehow this has to come out (he has to let steam out). I felt it was so healthy to cry and I told him this environment was safe. He needed support because he had not succeeded well enough. Failing exam was an issue in many of our meetings.
Lea is a 29 year old police woman. Initially she wants to learn English in distance learning. She plans to travel to Algeria and learn Arabic. Her father is Algerian, but she was not raised by him. She has a boyfriend in the American army. He has been violent with her and lives in the US. She has been harassed in the police. She takes the Strong interest inventory, and scores high on the R (this does not surprise the counselor as Lea is very physical), but also on lawyer. She does not have a lot of self esteem and chooses tourism studies at the University. She discovers that she is a good student and finds tourism studies too easy. Last year she entered the law department and with the assistance of the counselor passes the exams in flying colours.